Using black skin as a negative insults over a billion people.
Using black skin as a negative insults over a billion people.
No Cost Plus near you? Bummer.
West Wing was the shit! And if you’ve never seen them: Veep is hilarious and Madame Secretary can sometimes feel like a lightweight spiritual successor to the West Wing. MS is much more focused on the lady but still manages a decent ensemble act.
Latter Day Saints are strictly no alcohol or tobacco. Or hot drinks. They used to interpret hot drinks like tea and coffee as being caffeinated and so some Mormons avoid caffeine. Recently this practice has relaxed due to a new interpretation of the original rules. It is also important to note that this…
You’re a Native American? Respect. Kick them honkies back to the continent!
Interesting point: jaywalking was basically invented by auto manufacturers to hide how dangerous cars were.
I almost gave you a star but you missed one: instead of over the edge you could have said “flipped his lid” or did something with ‘throne’. So close, but no cigar (heh).
it’s debatable and it depends on where you are. The feds do not define hot dogs as sandwiches (FDA) but New York does I think. Similar discussions arose about tacos, burritos, gyros, etc.
Dune is practically impossible to get across in a film. I was like ten or eight when I saw it in the theater and had not even read the book and even I comprehended that much on my first viewing of it. Any attempt to cram Dune into two hours is going fuck up miserably, no matter who did it. There’s just too much…
Because it takes a really long time to gestate a new one. Their education and upbringing are hideously expensive so it’s huge waste of resources. Harnessing that human is typically much preferred....
Fuck Downton. It’s all about the Peaky Blinders and the clay kickers!
In the very same episode the MiB talks about how the outside world basically provides for everyone’s needs to the point of robbing people of purpose. It sounds a lot more like a boring version of the Star Trek Federation (but with money) or maybe similar to the world depicted in the Animatrix shortly before the robot…
I read through all the comments in this forum, a Gizmodo forum, and another Jezebel forum specifically about the use of “female” in proper speech. The whats, whys, and wherefores. I tried to engage four different people here but I only baited one. Learned a lot from you and others. Thought one cat was treated a tad…
Very brave of you. Respect. And you’re right. Primarily mentally ill folk are a danger to themselves. When or if it spills over though can be pretty ugly especially if fatigue, alcohol, adrenaline, and other drugs are involved.
I totally did my homework though and read through Gizmodo, past Jezebel articles and a couple other spots plus engaged some folks on this and another forum. Sorry to bother you.
Thank you!
I was commenting on part of a thread that you engaged in with a handle “YutaTakemoto”