
I don't know if it was due to poor editing. Likely the books themselves were impossible to edit and they did they best they could with a bloated, meandering mess.

The Sand Snakes are laughably one dimensional. Almost as if on purpose.

Also Jorah is hot. Like premium silver fox hot. He's needs to break out of being Danny's lovesick puppy soon.

Impossible. Gendry is a man's man. He would never stop to ask for directions.

What comet? Could you elaborate please? I gave up on the books after the second one.

Finally, common ground.

Men. Sigh.

Is there anything worse than the SandSnakes?


Lose our lives and those of our sons and wives and daughters at war, that we can abide.

Exactly. I miss his devious scheming.

Fair point but people have always underestimated her due to her outward beauty and femininity. They might call her little bird but really she's proving to be a wolf in sheeps clothing whereas the rest of the starks (with the exception of Arya) have all been lambs for the slaughter.

Yeah I really wanted to see the after effects of such a gigantic blast. Wouldn't it change the entire social hierarchy of Kings Landing? Wouldn't the wealthy who've lost their families band together to send assassins after Cersei? Wouldn't there be a peasant uprising? Wouldn't the castle now have to be heavily

I wouldn't really classify Ed Sheeran as having largely teen girl fan base. That would Demi Lovato you're thinking of.

A lesson we should all learn from.

Ah, thank you. That does make a lot of sense. And would explain why Tywin ordered such a brutal execution of Aegons (?) wife/Dornish princess when they took over the castle.

How would Tyrion be her half nephew? Does this mean Cersei and Jaime are also related to her?

There's a term called "suspension of disbelief". Look it up.

Twitter wasn't invented yet.

I gave up on the books after the second one I think. But let's hope the show stays true to this aspect of the books. After all, the birth of the dragons was supposed to rekindle magic across the realm.