
Maybe they're f*cking IRL and it comes across on screen?

Brienne is righteous and beloved. She will definitely die.

I like to see a sharp increase in magic in the final two seasons.

Well all they've ever known was survival and cruelty. There was nothing personal about their violence, it's almost like a cultural aspect of their kind.

Oh god, Kit's acting has improved by leaps and bounds. He was painfully dull to watch for the first four seasons. I honestly wondered why they cast him in such a plum role in the first place. Pretty boys are a dime a dozen.

I'd like Arya to end up with Gendry. True, she was a kid then, but they had chemistry. Also, it's weird but I feel that Jon and Sansa have loads of sexual tension. But then again, Jon is a Targaryen after all.

I didn't know that! I need to watch Fargo asap.

Wish I could give you another upvote for reminding me of another hottie fave of mine, Giles.

What is up with the Iron Armada? At least two years should have passed from the time Yara stole all his best ships and sailed off to Dany to have close to sufficient time to build the fleet back up to full might. What's the timeline on that?

He looks like a less hot Ewan McGregor. Why DIDN'T they get Ewan McGregor??!?

When he first apprehend I thought this guy will be the first to die.

Also where's the dad's body? The police sealed and investigated the house and haven't found it?

OMG I just realised that Bobby was the restaurant owner in the Psych homage to Twin Peaks.

The calves were what you were looking at? I grew up watching The Nanny so seeing that she has such lovely breasts was a little unnerving.

Really? I thought it was very WTF?!? But not in a good way.

Balding men are at a disadvantage for sure. Much more so for balding women, I try to hide it in my pictures, but I have no doubt that was a turn off for some men who met me. I found my lovely boyfriend IRL and he only comments on my hair to say that it looks particularly nice. You're bound to find someone equally

If only one of the dates had been Mona Lisa.

I don't respond to profiles that have no info or have douchey photos. Could that be the case here, because I really do appreciate guys who leave personalised comments.

I loved the Rameniac bit.