
They need to get Vince Giligan on board stat.

Also a great opportunity to display Emilia Clarke's extremely limited range of acting. Worse than usual. And that's saying something.

Pretty actresses are a dime a dozen.

It would be believable if they were better actors.

Caves are like the Playboy mansions Grotto to Jon: both make women wet.

Yes much has been made of that dagger. But I think it's destined for Littlefinger.

You're right. He did look might fine in his armour though.

I still don't know how such a terrible actress landed the plummiest role on TV in recent times. I also don't get how she hasn't improved in 6 seasons. The supporting cast act circles around the two supposed leads.

Really? I think she fits the role perfectly. Maisie Williams is no classical beauty. I love the whole Tomboy thing she's got going on right now. I think she saw in Brienne what she could be in the future.

Some sort of light-weight reticulated armour? Many battle animals wear armour.

Incest is gross but it's not weird at all in this case. They are the same age. They've only met now. It makes political sense. They're both hot. What's not to like?

I was rooting for Bronn not to die. Does that count?

I think yes but it's best not to overthink stuff like this.

Tyrion really should devise some neck battle armour plating for the dragons asap.


No, I never want it to go there. He just naturally takes a paternal shine to bright, young girls.



Sansa: Err… Brandon has visions now. I don't know, don't look at me.

He treats it like work because that's what it is. Work.