
Did we ever get the story of why Ramona hates the Countess? Or why the Countess wanted to abort the baby? Or why the baby turned out so strange?

Maybe their accents are so bad because they are actors?

I didn't know about the miniseries. Bryan Fuller has been at the helm of my very favourite series.

I thought I would love it but I hated it and had a really hard time getting through it.

I think she's a terrible actress and not even in a funny, campy way.

His family lives nearby too.

Ugh. It was the worst. And it could have been so great and creepy with a better actress like Eva Green or something. There's nothing sexy about gaga.

Why aren't they frantically dialling the police during the disembowelment? Why didn't they call the police to wait with them while Cricket left? How are they still in the fucking house? Why aren't they locking their motherfucking doors!?

It's easily the scariest horror movie I've watched this year.

Was there anything more POINTLESS than that plotline?

Did you use to comment on xojane? I remember ejnjoying reading your comments.

I don't get it. Why doesn't the Creature fucking hide his face if he's so worried? A hat shouldn't be so hard to steal.


He's loves Margaery because she's the first person other than his mother to touch his penis. Fact.

Tommen seems mighty hasty to usher a trial that would expose him as a incest-begotten bastard. Is he THAT dumb? Didn't Ser Pounce advise him at all?

Ugh. Is there anyone more boring than Jon Snow?

Your second paragraph made me laugh so much.

Touch better than Hope, Faith and Temperance.

Exactly what I was thinking. It it was me, my hair would be fried, my skin would be sunburnt. It'd be a whole damn mess.

Okay, so where's his sister? Shouldn't she still be roaming the halls, mute and sightless?