

Who needs mirrors when one can gaze adoringly upon the real deal? We can can revel in our winsome twosome on xoVain as well.

Man, soo much fodder for many more great seasons.

Seconded. Dude is sexy.

Mads Mikkelson, dur.

Yes, why are they still dicking us around insisting that Viktor is soooooo in love and heartbroken over Lily?


You're not imagining it. Those scenes were CHARGED with homoeroticism. I can't wait to see more.

I'm a friend of your mother's.

Ugh! That line totally resonated with me. Something similar happened very recently. We used to spend a lot of time at my ex's place because where I'm from (Singapore) we live with our parents until we get married and my ex is an ex pat with his own place. I've shown up a couple of times unannounced and he's loved it.

I think you nailed it. It's like a guy who's only seen boobs in porn being disappointed and critical of boobs IRL instead of being grateful.

He's no GRRM. Otherwise Vanessa would have been done for last season.

Yes, it's confirmed that Vanessa is Sir Malcolm's daughter, which I feel is a little weird since I was getting some strange incestuous vibes from them last season. Anyone else?

Monster Redemption Arc!

"In fact, I prefer it."

Same old Brona. Back to her whoring ways.

Fuuuuck you, dude.

Yes, I came here for your recaps!

Dude the actress who plays Tyene is 19! Her birthday is Mar 27 1996! Which means that she was barely 18 when they shot that scene!

Look, it wasn't meant to be offensive and most people reading this would know that but just to allay your fears, yes, I'm very much against the sexual abuse of minors.