
You need to see a doctor STAT! There's something wrong with your funny bone.

Now all they need is some Jenna Mulroney. Man, is she great. I mean I didn't realise what an amazing comedic actress Krakowski was until I re-watched 30 Rock.

His wife, Olivia Wilde is his inexhaustible supply of 'tang.


Who also diddled you a bit, every now and then but then TOTALLY made up for it with awesome stories.

ZOMG! She's only 46!

Did you write this? It's BRILLIANT! "Les Cousins Dangereux" bit had me in stitches.

When I first saw the stills from the show, I thought to myself, "I'm going to be so into this guy" and I am. Don't you love it when this happens?

I think I might be a little bit in love with Ravi.

No, it's GREAT!

OMG, Beverly is THE WORST!

Yes! I thought of that too. Poor Michael.

Don't forget El Presidente. That purple number? Swoon.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that!