
It is the way of our people.

Maher didn’t radically misjudge the mood. He doesn’t give one damn about “the mood.” He’s simply racist. And sexist. And a narcissist. If people laugh, he’s affirmed. If they don’t, they just don’t get it or are too shackled by “political correctness” to be “with it”. But he’s never been with it. He’s an old troll in

It gives me extra satisfaction that Bloomberg is wealthier than Trump, because I know that must drive Trump nuts.

While everyone is Googling Jeff Koons, I’d like to express my ongoing glee at the neverending new descriptions of Trump. I want to believe there’s a big whiteboard where The Slot writers keep track of which scrotum comparisons have been used and brainstorm new ones.

Being a Trump is the only thing traumatizing Barron.

The Lindsey Graham line remains a solid burn. To this day, I wonder who wrote it for him.

How can anyone respect that bunglecunt Cruz when he rolled over and showed his soft, white belly to trump after trump insulted his wife and father and Cruz then took his fucking wife and daughter to have dinner with trump? Fuck that weasely shit stain.

An actual line from goop: “If you’re plagued by issues like parasites or heavy metals, you might need a bit more than a standard clean eating protocol. Below, some advice on working through more complex problems.”

It’s almost as if the white unemployment rate of 4.3% (as of the first quarter of this year) isn’t almost literally half of the black unemployment rate of 8.1%.

Imagine having such a great opportunity to learn and grow (visiting that museum) and instead deciding to continue on being a hateful, cowardly, disgusting bigot. What a sad and pathetic life.

My drunken stepfather literally pulled a gun on my mom and cut the battery wires to her car and luckily the cops were able to be called that night. She still went back to him after that. She eventually left but unless you’ve been there it’s hard to understand what kind of a hold an abuser can have on someone.

And once again, this is why you can’t run the government like a business.


Huma. Honey. He’s not good for you. He’s not good for your son. You haven’t failed, I promise. You are doing what is best for your family. Don’t let him back in.

It’s terrible that the United States has turned a blind eye towards human rights violations when we were supposed to be the stewards.

Well, you know, this isn’t suspicious at all.

I always assume it’s as apparent to everyone as it is to me how tacky and cheap this clan is. Nothing about them says style, class or taste. Clearly however a large swathe of the country believes screaming how rich you are and pouring shiny yellow gold over everything is the height of haute couture.

Just like Trump is a poor man’s interpretation of what a rich man is, she is what a Pinterest Mom interprets as poised and sophisticated.

As we know more about her, her brand looks more and more tacky. Tweeting about champagne popsicles on Memorial Day? Tacky. Photo of herself in a ballgown with her baby-faced huckster of a husband’s hand on her ass? Tacky. Daddy is tacky, Stepmommy is tacky, her ghost-written book is tacky. Setting herself up with an

Queen Elizabeth lived through the London blitz and at 19 worked as a driver and mechanic in the ATS.