
Trump seems to be obsessed with women’s blood/women’s bleeding in a disturbing way. Has anyone else commented on this or consulted a psychological expert for further insight? Seriously.

Melania’s response to this was so fucking pathetic with her “when he gets attacked, he’ll hit back 10 times as hard,” BS. Like, Mika Brzezinski reports the news what fucking “attack,” are you talking about? How spineless are you people?

yup yup yup

I remember in 1995, when Hillary was derided for calling the vast right wing conspiracy a vast right wing conspiracy.

Why yes, I ABSOLUTELY can believe that. Next question?

He has always been bitchy and critical of the Williams sisters. He had the nerve to claim they were unfriendly and disrespectful, and cold. Yes, this man who was known for throwing tantrums and yelling at people when things didn’t go his way talked shit about those girls when I believe they were still teenagers, or

Yes I’ll give it to Bey, she’s the anti Kardashian when it comes to this stuff.

I appreciate how guarded they are with the birth of their kids. I think that, celeb or not, you should have the final say in how much info you want to share with folks. It’s a time of bonding and with two babies at once, I’m sure that’s a different experience. Not everything needs to be shared immediately to placate

This bitch has an office in the White House and attends meetings with heads of state and she is claiming she TRIES TO STAY OUT OF POLITICS??? Wtf. The gall.

But, no, she doesn’t even make handbags and shit, to hear her lawyers tell it. So, what does she do if she’s not involved in politics and definitely has no part in making shoes?

Trump does what the extremists want and then sends Ivanka out to assure the rest of us that he’s actually pro-environment, pro-gay rights and pro-sanity. It’s just the latest iteration of the very successful long-con the Trump family has succesfully been perpetrating on the American public, trying to be all things to

Ivan(ka) in January: I’ll advise my dad on politics and try to fight for equality, the environment and puppies. Please like me everyone, we’re super cereal and you can trust me.

Out of curiosity, I looked up her lifting numbers: “she has hit a 340lbs squat, 410lbs deadlift, and can probably bench 185lbs. Thats a 935lbs total at 100lbs”

Yeah, my first thought wasn’t “oh, look! he’s lost weight!” it was “Oh, no...is he sick?!”

The optics of pulling people from their wheelchairs is simply staggering in its awfulness. Yet Trump supporters (who will undoubtedly be affected in large numbers) will put on their stupid MAGA hats and cheer Donnnie on, while he simultaneously pushes their heads deeper into a shit-filled trench.

That’s pretty much got to be the epitome of frank stupidity—you don’t want people who could save your racist, bigoted life to do anything for you....because of the amount of melanin in their skin?! You mean that’s it?! That’s your threshold?? If that’s the case, quit wasting everybody’s fucking time and just stay

I found out about this from my dad. After having dinner with him, he sent me and my sister a text saying he loves us and not to go anywhere alone for the next few days.

As a fat guy who goes to the gym all the time, watches what I eat, and generally wants to be ripped, I feel so terrible for that woman who was the victim of the assault Dani Mathers perpetrated on her. Going to the gym, and the locker room even more so, is not about mocking those who aren’t as perfectly fit, and

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say ol’ Dani hasn’t learned a thing here.
