
Don’t laugh. As an American, this is humiliating. Every childish, bully thing he does is a reflection on us, as a people. The outside world doesn’t see Americans as this split thing of people who voted for Trump and those who didn’t. They see us as one nation who elected this asshole (and there is no better term for

I feel like this whole thing would have been cooler if Macron hadn’t said anything, if he just acted like “what? big deal we just shook hands whatevs”

Remember when Donald was going to make us respected by the whole world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

C’est un homme who doesn’t have le temps for your merde, Donald.

Why is it that usually the men get to chat while the wimminses do the child care?

I can see it now, Merkel will go up to Trump and extend her hand to grab him by the balls, ‘cause when you are famous, you can do that’

“I’m the only white person who owns and lives on this street.”

This dumbass, dead-eyed motherfucker.....

I put this up on the fusion article about Koosh, but wanted to post it to the Slot as well, because this is my favorite site on the internet.

But that isn’t even attractive. $51k should look better than a pile of synthetic and shitty looking flowers. I swear to god my Great Auntie May had that exact thing draped across her toilet cistern with a doll in a crocheted dress cleverly disguising the spare roll of tp.

I would like to donate a punch to Piers Morgan’s face on Ariana’s behalf. He deserves it.

In the photo op with Theresa May (sitting side by side in chairs) he spoke English. In the same set up with Trump, he chose to speak French. Yes it was petty, yes it was amazing.

Evidently there was also an incident with Macron in which maybe he should have spoken English in front of Trump, but chose to speak French instead.

this moron can’t even get through a basic intelligence briefing without colorful pictures and a tablecloth to draw on.


And Macron doesn’t just go towards Angela first, they hold each other in a warm greeting and exchange kisses. Their bond is real, Donald. France and Germany are best friends and YOU CAN’T SIT WITH THEM.

Jesus, Trump. You are presumably the leader of the free world. Learn how to give a dignified handshake. Cringing.

I was raised very religious and it takes a long time to get over that kind of brainwashing. I don’t love the fact that she’s anti-choice… But maybe these events will make her realize the hypocrisy of pro-lifers. Once she has that kid… Ain’t none of them supporting her.

It’s okay if you don’t come visit us, we don’t really want to be here either.

Show of hands: who now wants to see a picture of this agent?