
Prenup with a non-disclosure agreement.

Smooth move, Melania, pretending you were pushing your hair back. You don’t even pretend you don’t want this first lady gig. And he doesn’t even pretend to care about you. His reaching for your hand is a sign of either dominance or it’s a “we’re in public, we should hold hands” type thing.

His hand is not what she’s getting paid to hold.

Phew, thank god we don’t have that accomplished gracious black lady deplaning Air Force One dressed in shorts, according to my conservative relative, that was directly a part of Obama humiliating us on the world’s stage. I’m not sure how this FOX News wet dream of a presidency ends, but it will be bizarre and awful

But if you can write a check that clears, suddenly you’re a good driver and no longer a menace on the roads?

Wow! What an amazing thing this group is doing. I am so impressed.

The POTUS is an idiot wrapped in a moron.

...and he just confirmed the intel came from Israel. Good grief...

Remember, one of the fun parts of this trip is EVERY country in the world has figured out that if you want Trump do what they want, just flatter him and pretend he’s as awesome as he thinks he is. Expect lots of ass kissing on this trip while everybody laughs at him when he’s not in the room

Hey, this broke after they all took off in Air Force One for their trip in Saudi Arabia. Boy, that’s gotta be a an uncomfortable plane ride, huh?

How is it the case that he still enjoys ~80% favorability ratings from the republicans? How?

Right? The fact that he even tried is a real indication of how desperate he was; he’d have to fold himself in half to go unnoticed in a crowd.

This is so funny it almost makes me like James Comey. It’s a confusing feeling.

6-foot-8 dude hiding in the curtains, or anywhere for that matter. This has to be a script for a political farce, but I ain’t laughing.

New Yorker just came in the mail.

If it weren’t so fucking horrifying, this shit would be hilarious..

I have been asking Director Comey & others, from the beginning of my administration, to find the LEAKERS in the intelligence community.....

they already are. NATO is toddler proofing their upcoming meetings.

If the WH staff had any sense they’d resign TODAY. But of course, they won’t.

There is a process for declassifying intel; blurting it out to impress your Russian handlers ain’t it. And you gotta love the positively Nixonian spin Trump is trying to put on it - “if the President does it, it’s not illegal”.

What did she do, exactly? I have seen no evidence of her doing anything untoward. She didn’t campaign for the Oscar she won, she spoke out about unfair treatment, unequal pay—you know, the things women, especially Black women, are supposed to just accept. Maybe it isn’t smart and it certainly isn’t “playing the game,”