
My mom is 70 years old... if some smug bitch did this to her, I swear to god I would beat her senseless.

Trump is like the guy in hs who so wants to hang with the cool kids that he sells out his lifelong friends by telling all their secrets and the cool kids just laugh at him.

I expect there will be a lot of ‘concerns’ by Republicans who are very ‘troubled’ by this, but in the end they’ll just want to ‘keep an eye on the situation’ (as they slowly back away into the bushes)

Why WHY do the same people who scream about Hillary’s emails not realize this is 100x worse in every way? How can they believe that one is horrible, terrible, unforgivable, OH SO BAD, but this? This is fine. Not real. Fake news.

I can’t wait for Paul Ryan, Marcus Rubinstein, et al to come out with their courageous condemnations of this, since I know how concerned they are about mishandling of classified information. /s

It’s OK, you guys. The WaPo comment section assures me that this is FAKE NEWS.

Conway isn’t good at spinning - anyone with a functioning neocortex can tell she’s full of shit. She’s effortless in her lying, though, I’ll give her that. She doesn’t waver at all despite the fact that she knows that what she’s saying is complete nonsense.

Why anyone would want to work for a man who will clearly throw you under the bus for even the slightest personal benefit is beyond me. This isn’t even a “I find this administration and their ‘beliefs’ reprehensible”, though I do, I just don’t see how associating yourself with this asshole works out for you in the

I’m more upset about the idea of no more Melissa McCarthy skits.

We need a special prosecutor, like yesterday. No way the guy who is going to replace Comey will be independent in the Russia investigation.

He absolutely deserved to be fired for what he did to Clinton. But let’s not kid ourselves that he was fired for that reason. He was fired because Trump is afraid that Comey is on to something. This is beyond Watergate levels of corruption. We need a special independent prosecutor to oversee that investigation.

Clintons and Obama? No no, the wall you want to be in is the Trump household... desperately trying to figure out who they can appoint who will drop the Russia connection bit

I have no love lost for James Comey, who I do think impacted the election, and no I don’t think HRC was blameless.

I have no love for Comey but trump firing the head of the FBI while being investigated by the FBI is very troubling. I believe the last president who did this was Nixon so...

Can we collectively make a deal right now that this is peak Kendall Jenner? We all need to agree or it won’t work.

A girl who was seemingly conceived, incubated, hatched, trained, conditioned and indoctrinated to be an object of sexual desire as the sole purpose of her existence and her only contribution to society is saying that she doesn’t get to be objectified enough? Do I have the right read on this one?

Filed to: Like the deserts miss the rain. lol

Hello all. I wanted to thank everybody again for being so nice to my daughter Catalina and I - she’s three weeks old today and still fighting the good fight.

When Jimmy Kimmel opened up about his newborn baby’s condition earlier this week, he also said “If your baby is going to die and it doesn’t have to, it shouldn’t matter how much money you make”. To most people, that sounds like a reasonable thing to say. Not so to former congressman Joe Walsh, who said “Sorry Jimmy