
Everyone involved knows but just can’t outright say the deal was she gets to have as much power and stick her thumb in as many pies as she likes because she’s the only one who can handle her dad when he’s sundowning, right?

Just watch this shit get normalized... This means she gets security clearances and still gets to jet-set around to Aspen and perhaps internationally. How the fuck is this ok?

As a former teacher, I can pretty much guarantee his elementary school book reports went kind of like this: “This was a great book. I really liked it. Lots of really interesting things happened in it. It also had good characters. I really liked the parts with the descriptions, and the language the author used.”

I kind of don’t care, but I do think it’s frustrating for someone to make a huge deal out of not wearing any make-up but then wear “some” anyway. Why the “some”? And why not just say you are wearing some? Because if the point is to encourage ladies to feel comfortable being make-up free, and you aren’t comfortable

It’s true, but it’s also true that she said she stopped wearing makeup because of the unrealistic expectations for appearance that women face, so wearing makeup and pretending you aren’t wearing makeup is just as bad as photoshop and crazy contouring in terms of setting up unreasonable expectations for how women

For real. And yeah they’re a gorgeous couple. It’s like they’re effortlessly fabulous. And it seems like even more so after leaving the office.

They really are a strikingly attractive couple. I swear, I want someone who looks at me the way he looks at her.

The thing I find funniest about 45's whole “Obama is whipping up opposition” thing is that it is so clearly crazy. Obama is laying on a beach, drinking fancy drinks, soaking up the sun. He isn’t running around America trying to incite resistance.

I don’t believe you! I’ll show him! I’ll show all of you by growing up and running for office and dismantling Obamacare!

Aunt Hillary tried to get custody, but some arcane child custody precedent precluded that. It’s not your fault, James. Barack still loves you. Maybe if Aunt Hillary had custody he’d be hanging around. Maybe it hurts him to see you in the hands of someone like evil stepfather.

It’s amazing that he can run a shadow government from the South Pacific.

I’m living for the casual obamas.

They deserve every bit of the sweet life right now. Plus staying low takes away 45's easy targets.

That’s such a good example, especially since Obama had to deal with a Congress which rejected anything he did out of hand, and Donald has a Congress which is controlled by his party. But he still needs EOs, because they make him feel like a big man.

They do the same thing with “He tells it like it is” to “That’s not what he REALLY meant”

Those have to be joke memes to make supporters look like ridiculous morons (in case you hadn’t thought of them that way yet)

From my mother’s facebook page over the last couple weeks:

The stupidity of his voters is truly mindblowing. The Republicans control both chambers of Congress and the presidency, and they still couldn’t pass this garbage law. The Democrats— much as they’d like to take credit for it— had nothing to do with its failure. It was infighting within the Republican party and the

It’s charming how quickly his backers can switch from “Donald is an alpha male silverback gorilla who will not shit from anyone” to “Donald is a precious little baby who is not accustomed to Washington, D.C., and must be sheltered from those nasty politicians”. Supporting Donald is a tremendously corrupting enterprise.

Is there a reason they only interviewed people in their 70s and 80s?