
An anecdote of why you can’t run government like a business. As told by Jamie Vollmer:

Putting everything aside, hatred of Trump, etc., this statement just bothers me to the core:

“I promised the American people I would produce results, and apply my ‘ahead of schedule, under budget’ mentality to the government.”

No, a book cannot cause someone to become gay. It might, however, help someone to internally acknowledge that they are gay, and thus have more self-acceptance, more self-esteem, and a greater sense of security.

He wouldn’t pay them. Shit! He doesn’t pay his contractors, which still baffles me that any blue-collar person could know that and vote for him.

Does this now set a precedent for others to do that same to him, or do the countless lawsuits against him count towards this?


Remember: smart people can still make very, very dumb decisions, including the same ones over and over again. Intelligence does not always equal common sense.

It’s great that this is being brought to light.

I know, right? “Doing big things is hard.” DOING BIG THINGS IS HARD? Barrack Obama did big things for 8 years and NEVER ONCE DID HE WHINE ABOUT HOW HARD IT WAS.

When Trump is incompetent at foreign policy, I’m terrified, but in cases like this, I’m relieved. The result of all this is that the AHCA continues in its flawed but superior to this shit way. If Trump, Pence, and Ryan can do absolutely nothing with regard to domestic policy for the next four years, I’ll be grateful.

As someone in chronic pain from a chronic illness that I’ve had since 4 who also has a mother with lupus that requires 10 thousand dollars worth of meds a month to treat I’m glad republican donor greed got the better of them and the bill failed. As an American I’m horrified that tax cuts for the richest among us are

I’m hoping we can keep up this level of disappointment and anger among people for the next 17 months so we can harness it for 2018 midterm elections!

It’s pretty staggering. If Trump had actually waited and tried to gain the proper support behind the scenes and, you know, actually practiced good negotiation tactics, it’s possible they could have eked out a victory. Instead, he looks like a complete and utter failure.

I’m not sure if I’m relieved or terrified that the Republicans running our government are so incompetent that their evil health care “replacement” died in 17 days.

To all the moronic fuckers who either actively wanted/turned a blind eye to this racist, sexist, xenophobic, and downright vile piece of shit because “he was a strong leader”. Look at your strongman President now, running like the fucking coward he is, unable to get his own Party to vote against the ACA which they

repeal and replace this administration.

Don’t many of the people who do this do it because they were up to something they shouldn’t have been, so they bring out the all-purpose, big, black, boogeyman to deflect from whatever they were up to? Sounds like she was cheating and decided that this was the way to save her engagement, because she’s a fucking

I’ve never understood the compulsion to lie about being sexually assaulted, especially when it involves such elaborate set-up work as it does here.

I’ve made this argument on Jez to much (obvious) contention but really, I just don’t think comedy is for progressives. Modern progressives are too sensitive and go into viewing entertainment with a list of boxes to check for groups and subgroups and sub-subgroups that shouldn’t be “offended.”