
Don’t you ever underestimate a Trump supporter’s ability to squeeze “But Clinton...” into any conversation, about literally any topic.

Never forget: Ivanka is the bag man for the Trump crime family.

I am an atheist but I hope that there is a hell in situations like this, and I hope those fucking guards burn in it forever.

Why the F is he still having rallies? Do the trumpers not realize that’s odd?

I struggle to understand why he likes the dangling feet look so much.

Look how spotlessly clean those boots are. They’re fresh out of a box. Did he get carried there by some indigenous porters like he was in the countries where he killed animals?

Sure would explain that little grin on her face. Merkle is made of pure fucking steel, she’s not afraid of pissbabies like Drumpf.

that’s the impression I get, too!!!! I get the impression from his body language and all that she tore him a new one and he’s seething about it because how could a WOMAN talk to him like that.

Oh I bet she handed it to him in the private meetings. When the reporter asks if they discussed NATO and Trump takes a sec, and then he says “Talked about many things” you can tell he’s pissed oh I hope she said something witty and cutting and smart and it sticks in his orange craw for all eternity.

She might miss Obama as much as we do.

I don’t think Donald Trump knows how to sit in a chair.

Now that President Obama has moved on, it’s actually nice to see the new leader of the free world sitting in the Oval Office, and also Donald Trump.

What more can Frau Merkel be asked to endure from Republican presidents?

They are also discovering that there is a reason there are 15 different under secretaries, assistants, experts on certain countries, policy wonks, ect that are supposed to be there helping out. Maintaining U.S. diplomatic relations isn’t a one man job, even for someone who (unlike Rex) has actually done work requiring

So many CEO-type old men in this administration used to starting at 10am, going for a 2 hour lunch at 12, and being home by 4pm are suddenly discovering that the “public sector” they’ve mocked their whole lives doesn’t roll that way.

Remember when Hillary was accused of having no stamina?

PBS’s children’s programming was actually created with the intent of serving households where the children could not attend things like daycare or pre-K. That was the POINT of it. It was designed to serve the households that were most at risk of not getting sufficient educational material. If you’re a single mom or a

the yearly budget for meals on wheels = one trip to mar a lago

What kind of monster takes money away from Meals on Wheels?

This kind of thing is very soothing to me. Not the Queen’s passing, but knowing that there is a plan, that every detail has been thought out, and everyone is aware of their role. It feels very dignified and, well, how things should be done.