DaRe 3000

This is not an article about celebrating accessibility, it’s an article about a person that still cries about being bullied by big bad gamers years after the fact.

lol right?

First of all, I want to say that I’m absolutely all for people enjoying games and being able to play and experience them. I’m all about inclusivity and, particularly, accessibility. As a person with a physical disability, I understand that not being able to participate in something is more than just frustrating or

Beating” a game is an accomplishment. It presents a challenge and you beat that challenge. If you just want to finish the game without that challenge, fine by me, you do you. I prefer the sense of accomplishment that comes with challenging myself and pushing myself to be better. If I do that, I feel I’ve earned the

Bring back the Game Genie you cowards!

I didn’t conflate the points, the author did by juxtaposing them against one another as if the latter was a response to the former. That’s why I used the word “implication” in my ‘spittle-laced invective’. Because that’s what the author did - implied the relationship.

Hot take: a “skip boss” button or a flat-out invulnerability toggle is not a good solution to the problem of playability.

“’Going to school while sleeping through classes is still going to school’”.

Kinda seems like you're just salty that hard games exist and people like a challenge that you are unable or unwilling to rise to.

This again?

Yes, there is nooooo space in between “I don’t think we should police speech as stringently as we do presently” and “I think we should say whatever offensive thing I want whenever I want and expect to get a pat on the back”. This level and black-and-whiteness in your argument is a painfully obvious strawman.

I would say ‘Preach, preacher!’, but that might offend agnostics, athiests and adherents to religions without clerics. So I’ll just say ‘Amen’ instead.

Well, you can no longer :
Avoid looking someone in the eye, because that’s a microaggression.
You can’t call a man or a woman, a biological man or biological woman, because that’s offensive.
You have to use road studs now, instead of cats eyes
It’s politically incorrect to clap, because you could trigger a nervous

Here’s the thing, you don’t have the right to not be offended. Thats just an impossible goal which makes being PC a sisyphean task.

The irony is not lost on me that this article attacking people who are tired of political correctness is posted opposite the article basically crying sexism on Jeremy Corbyn because he called Theresa May a ‘stupid woman.’

Yes, we absolutely need more language police. In fact, if there was only some sort of governmental entity that could outline the words that we’re not allowed to use any more, that would be great. I really hope it can be entirely staffed by angry millennial transsexual demiqueer otherkins from Brooklyn

Politically correct isn’t about being a nice person or treating everyone equally, it’s about conforming to some nebulous standard that no one seems to agree on.

Well your opinion is...just that your opinion. I on the other hand adore the Try Guys and get what they are doing and appreciate it. Also are you kidding me with the whole they only do things women do? Bull fucking shit you picked those out to prove your point. The changing diapers one on particular was part of a four

I believe one plate is for his wife, so don't get too excited.