DaRe 3000

None of your suggestions are bad, but they are meaningless if young people don't give a fuck — and most of them don't. Or at least, not enough of a fuck to vote in non-Presidential elections.

This mofo is double plating it. Double. Plating. It. (got to try this next time at buffet)

But, now that I think about it, under that same thinking, doesn't that mean under Swedish law, you could go after gun makers for murder?

Oh, and actually, he does get death threats, but you don't hear about it because it's common for talk show hosts and celebrities. Anita became an internet celebrity, and so the scum of the internet latched right onto her, knowing attacks on her get them attention.

You need to understand the rage is about Anita's endless male bashing and negative male stereotyping along with the absurd assumption the games are causing misogyny. Gamers have dealt with moralizing content policing media demagogues before and they don't like them. Criticism is fine but when the press rallies

They covered it last night. On the whole, the comments were anti gamer gate (though obviously not all pro Sarkeesian). I'm actually relieved to see people separating the two out. You don't need to like her to condemn and acknowledge what's been happening.

Right, one doesn't negate the other but to me some of the examples are just a bit of a stretch. I mean in a lot of cases we see bad guys (see: evil) exhibiting this problematic behavior toward women, you're not meant to like these characters and they're not supposed to be good people. So the behavior isn't being

The way the series cherry picks is like quoting a statement such as "It's exhausting, but rewarding," but only quoting the "It's exhausting" part. The entire statement takes on an entirely different meaning.

Her arguments themselves are shallow and dishonest, responses can only so do much for them.

Well like take her criticism of Far Cry 3, talked about how one small side-quest in the game inferred violence against women while ignoring the entire rest of the game where you are actually working for a woman or how they handled the topics of sex trafficking and rape with a male character as opposed to a female.

She had been called out so many times for cherry picking, lying and twisting facts that to even consider her a member of academia is funny.

There are tons of games out there that don't tell that story, play those. Why do you have to police the people who DO enjoy those kinds of games? There are nigh infinite games with deep and interesting storylines, or god help you read a book. The idea of "I lost something of value to me, now I'm going to get revenge"

So since it isn't easy, we shouldn't do it? Ridiculous.

You make a better argument here than the one made by Sarkeesian. Let's examine it more closely. You have a video game where you are going to motivate the protagonist (the player) so that they start going out and doing stuff like fighting and traveling from place to place. What is their motivation?

In "Last of Us"

Not a fan of Sarkeesian. I just take issue with the fact that she entered this with an axe to grind and thus is only going to pick evidence that supports her agenda. I think it gets in the way of a meaningful dialogue, after all, it's important to acknowledge when things are being done right as well as wrong, and that