DaRe 3000

so many words to run defense for a writing firm who writes writings that people do not like.

> “ He also insisted, without providing evidence, that Sweet Baby Inc. adds “race and identity group quotas to everything they are involved with.””

I wonder if the author played any Persona

Some Gamers: “Hmmm, strange. You don’t see many female gamers in the games we play.... but ok.

Why should that be the case, if females are just as passionate or playing games just as much or nearly as much? Could it be that.... you’re reacting poorly to some data that doesn’t validate your worldview? Wow... ironic. 

I think males and females play games nearly equally, but play in different genres. That’s my experience, but also data and research bear that out. https://quanticfoundry.com/2017/01/19/female-gamers-by-genre/#

We’re not talking about the equivalent of “large print mode” or “audiobook mode”. Games usually and rightfully provide stuff like that (subtitles for the hearing impaired, colorblind mode, dyslexic text, etc.) without changing fundamental aspects of their game.... like, for example.. “calling for a button that lets

Such a BS example of being toxic “I didn’t like Jar Jar.... b-b-but the actor was an actual human being, how dare I, right? So toxic fam.” Not liking Jar Jar is really more a shot at the writer(s) and the script. It’s not a shot at “the actual human being” playing the role unless you specifically make it that. But

“grrrr, I hate Pratt...” yawn. 

Was there ever this much hand-wringing over “Ask Jeeves”? IDK, just seems like there’s always something to complain about.

instead of just... reacting.... try listening and thinking too? 

It’s not an absolute. Sometimes when a person says “what you said hurts my feelings, and is the equivalent to physical violence” the appropriate response is the one I’ll give to you: STFU and fuck off. 

Ultimately these issues are up to the designer of the game. If they want to include an easy mode (as games have done since forever ago) or cheats or ways to by-pass levels or whatever, that’s fine. Not every game needs to be Dark Souls. Likewise, if they want to make a difficult game with no easy fixes or bypasses,


#1 Journalists don’t have to “beat” a game, just play enough to get an informed opinion on it. Of course, if they’re too unskilled to progress deeply into the game, their opinion isn’t too informed.

TIL Having kids while working/playing is something games journalists “in particular” deal with

Here, here. Well said. If I could give you an award, I would. 

“If someone picks up Moby Dick, only reads the first two and a half chapters, and then puts it down unfinished forever, that’s 100% their choice.” Very true, but do they get to go around telling people that they read the whole thing? Do they get to speak with the same authority and respected insight as a person who

The correct response to a person telling you they couldnt enjoy a game without skipping all the challenging parts or making it impossible to lose is to chuckle derisively, roll your eyes and say “whatever makes it fun for you I guess”. Let the babies have their bottles, that’s my motto. But if they try to act like

the issue is the implication that failure to add these types of settings (easy mode, god mode, skip level button) is treated like some bigoted ablest move, and in the “enlightened future” ALL games will have these options. The other issue is the author acting like the person who climbed a mountain and the person who