DaRe 3000

Wait a minute... is this a game journalist (or any rational adult)... seriously asking .... “what’s the difference between ‘beating’ a video game and say, watching an entire movie on Netflix?” ..... was that seriously asked? that’s not a thing that actually happened, is it? 

Having a hard time understanding challenge and self-improvement, huh? Sure, if you want to beat Dark Souls by making it literally impossible for you to lose, that’s fine. I won’t respect that, and most people won’t, but I can understand you “having fun” with it. Just like when I tried to read War & Peace, but it was

If I told you I pinned the tail on the donkey 1000 times out of 1000, but I kept my eyes open the whole time, you’d probably not respect that, right? That’s sensible to me. We say “beat” because there’s a challenge to overcome, right? The fact the author doesn’t seem to get this, and instead harps on, idk, how “beat”

Nah, bear had the nuanced take and the closer reading of the article, but it seems you’re the one stuck on semantics. 

“they only said not doing it is EVIL, but they aren’t trying to FORCE anybody or anything...” ... that’s really the argument you’re gonna run with here, slugger?

WOW, people who defend Kotaku’s takes are .... special people.

Wow, it’s cool to see you immediately start with insulting condescension based on nothing. “spittle-laced”? that’s probably just the opponent in your head, pal.

to be clear, you think “adding a button that lets you SKIP parts of the game” is just enjoying the game, but “SKIPPING school” (functionally the same as sleeping thru it) is not going to school? 

See: "microaggressions"

An aquarium had to apologize bc they called an otter thicc and ultra-pc types claimed that’s racist in some convoluted roundabout way. That’s what people are talking about, but you want to pretend being anti-pc means literally yelling racial slurs....? Ok then. 

Same reason I still watch WWE. In part brand loyalty from long ago, in part in hopes it gets better, in part to remain objective in my opinion of the place, etc.

and Kotaku responses with a resounding “nun-uh!” This site has been click-baity and yellow journalistic for years, stirring shit where none really existed and providing spoiler-filled traffic driving but not really informative articles for years. They are acting like they’re the New York Times when they’re really the

newsflash: you can like something and be critical of it AT THE SAME TIME. haven’t you been listening to our high gaming priest Sarkeesian?

“Very different takes”? All three = dissatified, just differently written.

Ok, lets grant what you say:

the “no agency” part conflicts with the story and “purely for the male gaze” is your interpretation, projected onto Kojima.

It does fucking matter. And it’s opinion, YOUR opinion, don’t confuse that with truth.

“It’s ok for artists to have designed games however they saw fit, because they’re artists.” and yes, it is.

I knew this was way off when it said #3 “a snob doesn’t care if a game is a ‘game’ or not”. We’re not talking about snobs, we’re talking about hipsters. If it barely qualifies as a game, it usually is a bad game. That’s why slot machines and video poker are technically games, but not video games. Snobs must be able to

So basically a sci-fi comic version of OITNB? Sounds dumb, but I’m glad it exists for people who want that sort of thing. Maybe now they’ll leave my fucking X-Men alone.