DaRe 3000

If you don't play the games you critique, or even take into account the game context as a whole (plot lines, characters, etc.), and just take clips out, how is that NOT cherry picking data? You'd probably think it was weird if I talked about movies I haven't watched by taking 5 second clips and ignoring the rest of

I agree. Self-examination is important. And I often wonder about racism and sexism in media in general and in video games in particular.

Both Anita and Jack Thompson got death threats. They both were put into video games so that violence can be done to them (you can claim it was harmless or not harmless, but it happened to both).

That's not my concern. My concern is that the lack of "more inclusion" (we can never have enough it seems) is being used as "evidence" that the gaming community (the players and makers) are all secretly/openly misogynist. I'm all for inclusion but don't smear my people.

I loved the part where he pressed her to name some games, and she hesitates. That was pretty funny.

Interrupting people is rude, although that can sometimes happen by accident. As a long-time academic myself, overall my interactions with female students/admin/faculty have been positive (and I studied philosophy in San Fran-LGBT & Women Studies-ciso).

Except she likes to imply, slyly because god forbid she make a substantial point, that the trends she's seen say something about gaming culture or game design on the whole. She goes from "these trends, though in and of themselves are not sexist, contribute to a sexist whole" to "these games are designed with the idea

Because it isn't "always women".

Not easy to DO refers to the people who make that claim not at all being able to describe what that "more creative scenario" would look like. And if you can't articulate exactly what it is you want, and rather you just point at everything else and say "not that" you aren't being helpful. On to the main point:

murder simulator. MURDER SIMULATOR! AHHHHHHH! Thompson waz rite!!!! loljk

Breaking up with Storm was stupid, for a number of reasons. Last Straw.

Perhaps a comedy can be be detrimental (in the loose sense, cause sticks and stones amirite?) to women, but that'd have to be a mean-spirited, obviously pushing a misogynist message comedy where the punchline to every joke is like "women. they suck right?" and literally every woman on the show is inept, etc. Bad Judge

I think people should be able to do or not do whatever they want, but don't dismiss that lady's idea so quickly. A lot of sexism is built upon what women seem to choose for themselves, and if there were a collective shift such that women do not seem overwhelmingly more concerned about their looks than men, it will be

It sounds like, from the review (only one of your links seems to be an actual review), the show is a bad show for bad television reasons: bad writing, bad characterization, bad jokes. But as for any "moral takeaway", that's a bit of a stretch. A TV show about an anti-hero flawed funny judge could've been compelling

Usually "wearing the pants" referred to having a job, so I'm left wondering the work situation. It's said he worked full time, and I don't know if the lady worked, but if she didn't then that guy pretty much is the leader (unless he gave up control of the finances I guess). But that's not the focus of the letter or

You know, I always found women in flats sexier. Not the look of it, though it looked fine, but the idea that she valued her comfort over painful "high fashion" or what I sometimes interpreted as an appeal to men.

What an asshole. It's like he doesn't want to do anything positive at all.

Oh man that Shadows of Mordor thing really pissed me off (are you talking about them saying reviewers could only say positive things etc.?), and no I've been aware of it for years. I was naive early on, reading EGM and GamePro, but it was only something I became aware of over the years, observing converage and scores

1) Hashtags can be both good and bad. I personally have never used one in my life, I'm not a big Twitter guy. I think just engaging in the conversation, in more than 120 characters at a time, is way better. After that, I can seek changes in the gaming media I use, appeal to advertisers, and/or use new media. oh, be

I can't speak for GG, but I don't think their concerns are simply over game review scores and/or a knee-jerk negative reaction to the idea of "women in gaming". But that doesn't really matter, I can disavow GG altogether and simply say "Hey, I'm coming to the table with certain concerns: that game developers are in