DaRe 3000

Let's say they do that. We can call it #GamerCause. And then, one or two or however many people send a threat under the banner of #GamerCause. Then the cycle repeats itself. Until people are able to disassociate the fringe from the larger group, or until the group gathers around a clear coherent message (a manifesto

You know what? That would be a great fucking experiment, and I meant that. Hell, forget me, let's get some of these journalists to do that (if they can be trusted to do it honestly).

I didn't read everything yet, and probably wont tonight, but I was curious: while I was scanning I saw you said you're an animator. So are you going for a master's in animation degree? Do you animate (or plan to animate) movies or video games? In any case, talking to an animator makes me feel like you might have that

Yeah, you're right. I am wasting my time.

Yeah, you posted a link that said "As I said", and when I clicked on that the first line said "they love comparing themselves to Muslims", so I do say you brought it up, even if you did for a good reason (they are actually saying that).

OK part 2. Once again let me start by bowing down and thanking you for even taking the time to read this. I get a strange mix of dread and excitement whenever someone replies to me, and I'm always happy to engage intelligent folks.

Wow that was hella long, but well written and well thought out. I'm not sure I agree with everything you said, and eventually we're going to get full from this buffet of words and ideas, but just know I'm so happy this is basically all I ever asked for, a reasoned and civil discussion on those issues. Maybe Anita is

Huh? Where did I go wrong? Muslims do not follow the Qur'an, or the Qur'an doesn't say that? (Of course there are Muslims who don't follow the book to the letter and Muslims that do, just like there are Christians that don't stone people who work on Sunday etc etc.). You brought up Muslims, and they do have a problem

I'm not sure I understand the link to Muslims, although on the surface it's obvious. However, I do not think your point works the way you think it does, because Muslims follow a rule-book called the Qur'an (and another one called the Haddith?) that explicitly says "kill the infidels, keep women down, etc". So moderate

Don't get me wrong, I do take your point and understand it. It isn't balanced, and while perfect equality in representation isn't really the goal, just closing the gap would be good enough. I can agree with that.

I don't think Anita should be silenced, but I don't think her critics should be either. In fact, I think an in-depth analysis of her videos, even though that would destroy them should anyone bother to do it, is a way of giving her respect.

Ok. So a guy says, I want a game where I can be a gay commander in space, and point out Mass Effect as an example of a game where you can do that, and if I so choose, I can pick out other examples of positive games as well. I don't know how many I'd have to pick to satisfy you, many the same number Anita does?

That's an interesting point. "sexiness as part of the character and not just an aesthetic trait" Thanks for the discussion, some real food for thought here.

That's true, but you don't want to come across as pedantic and condescending , and you should be open to a dialogue and discussion too.

Ok, I'll try using what I remember off the top of my head, if that's ok for now.

It's called a counterexample.

To the extent that stuffed in the fridge troupe is used, it can be problematic. And while I can see how your examples show overplayed overused sexism, in those games you do have some agency even while being sexy (in DOA you can use the women to fight, and Lightning is the hero of that game I think). But if we're going

You're right. Two wrongs don't make a right, and Dante probably isn't sexist, and I'm sure sexism in gaming, when it happens, happens to women more than men. However, that depends on what you consider sexism. If the bar is set so low (women in attractive gear is sexist, the ability to kill women is sexist) then you

Thanks for the link, that's a good point. And I won't say the gaming community doesn't have its assholes. it does for sure. But that's a whole 'nother statement than saying "hate dominates the culture". I mean, it could, possibly, but I'd need more proof. Granted, the letters to EA are troubling (I wasn't aware, but

Gaters ALSO think death threats are bad, and will say so.