DaRe 3000


The idea that a woman is deemed a "sexual object" merely because she is considered sexy is one of the main problems with Anita's anti-sex feminism. It is possible to be sexy and be other things as well. But GTA is a good example. yes you can kill the prostitute, but GTA isn't a world where all the women are

The issue here is twofold. Number one, she takes games where you may have the option of killing women, and then says "look how the game encourages you to kill women" EVEN in the case where the game penalizes you for doing so. Not bringing that up is either dishonest or lazy. At the same time, in the same game, you

Actually it does. If her method is flawed, all info drawn from that method is flawed too. There is room for improvement but to say there's "casual misogyny is in a lot of games" is a bold claim that one cannot make without some serious data that Anita doesn't provide. But if you're up to it, please, some examples?

If you said "the Holocaust shows that Germany in particular has a problem with genocides" then it would be relevant to say "what about other countries? that would show this problem isn't particular to Germany. and also, what about the rest of German history?"

Gaming culture can't be a hotbed of sexism against women if for every example of female sexism you can find an example of male sexism too.

It doesn't matter what the world population is, what matters is who is buying your games. Even when you consider that women are playing games more nowadays, that's usually because mobile games like "candy crush" (does that game have a female protag? I never played it) are included. But the games that are being

I have to admit I didn't read the Alexander piece, but this line about a cesspool of rapists that have come to dominate "gamer culture", that is SUCH BULLSHIT, but that's the line that's been drawn. I've been gaming for quite a while now, and I'll challenge that notion that the culture is dominated with misogyny any

You say "uh, we didn't" but the tone of many of your articles (you provide links to them) implicitly call all gamers that dare to associate under the Gamergate banner misogynistic terrorists at worst and aiders/abetters/distractions at best. And if you don't, Anita certainly does (she says to NPR that gamers are just

Touche'. Well written reply, but I'd bet Simpsons didn't come up with all that per se. Did you see the crossover episode, Seth basically makes the argument that the Simpsons copied Flintstones. The fat stupid dad and long suffering wife just may be archtypes that predate the Simpsons.

Yes, because The Simpsons invented "the family". Tell me, did they also invent "telling a story"?

#StopGamerGate2014 is essentially the same as #StopMakingDeathThreats which would basically be the same as #Stop[insert bad thing here]. I mean, maybe it can be good for bringing awareness to a cause (I'm thinking of #BringBackOurGirls in that case), but if your position is basically "death threats are bad", who's

I support GG, but only as concerned with ethics and argument not death threats, but you know what? I'm not married to that name. You could call that "movement" or mindset or #hashtag whatever you want, or not name it. But whatever you end up calling it, here's the pattern:

Nice story. I was so afraid this was going to be another death threat story. It's cool to see a face behind some of the best games of the last decade. With that on her resume I'm sure she'll do bigger and better if she wants, and I'm interested to follow up on her for some good gaming.

I personally can't wait for Unknown Marvel movie 2017!

I don't really have any problem with this game at all. Art is art, and all mediums (be they video games or books or painting) have the potential to be offensive, so this really says nothing about video games in particular. And I'm in no danger of taking real life tragedy less seriously as a result of art (even

I never agreed with her, but damn I feel kinda bad for her. Wonder if she still got paid at least.

I'm sorry but I can't STFU when I'm being told gamers like to attack women online, or that they (we) are overwhelmingly misogynist, or whatever. That's what pisses me off and this goes all the way back to Sarkeesian, before gamergate.

oh wow. What a misunderstanding. Caring about people doesn't make you an asshole. It's the part where you don't care about the people who get lumped in with asshole for no good reason than maybe a shared #hashtag and/or "gamer" designation.

Well, I don't find myself "lumped in", and if I did find myself lumped in, I'd have to assume the category is so broad that the lumping was an invalid move in the first place. For instance, I'm a gamer. Should I feel guilty? Because some other people who call themselves "gamers" sent death threats? Well, far as I know