DaRe 3000

I agree, things do have names. Leaked photos is not sexual assault, and it barely counts as a sex crime (since no one peeped and took photos). This is theft, plain and simple.

I never heard of or seen Sam Pepper until now, but he sounds like an asshole.

I wouldn't say being modern or feminist would lead to a problem in the bedroom, but some of these tips could be useful. For instance, the "withholding sex" tip isn't really about withholding sex but withholding badgering or maybe just waiting for the lady to initiate (and if she's modern that shouldn't be an issue).

"Should I clean the kitchen first?"

That's a great idea! By assuming everyone that disagrees is an asshole you avoid the need to think or discuss. More time for reality TV!

Gab Union is right of course, but also wrong. WoC are victims sometimes, and since she heads or works with a similarly focused org it's not hard to see her bring it up. However, this event hardly reflects what she's talking about, especially since the majority of the targets were not "of color".

No one can deny that people all over the world throughout time have been victimized, but when I think of women of color not owning their own bodies, I think of slavery, rape during slavery, forced sex work, disenfranchisement from education politics and economics, much of which occurs even to this day. I don't think

I don't think this person is an asshole. Nowhere did they say "this is the root of the problem". Of course bad people hacking and stealing are the problem, but the constant "tell them not to do it! no one thinks it's wrong!" is idiotic (tell them not to do it? really?) and unhelpful. And rather than focus on what I

For what it's worth, I don't think you're awful. A lot of people will harp on the wrongness of theft and thieves, as if that's interesting or isn't implied. Does it really need to be stated that stealing is wrong? Can't someone think theft is wrong and still think people can and should act with caution to protect

He could've worded it better, but when you engage in "risky behavior" you need to at least be prepared for the possibility of bad outcomes, and if those outcomes are so unacceptable then maybe don't do the behavior. That's not to say the actual thief is off the hook, but it isn't an either or situation - either you

What law would you like to implement? You can't take a person's photo without their consent? This would be a terrible law that would pretty much end photo-journalism. If you are in public and someone else has a camera you don't have the right to say "don't take my picture" anymore than you have the right to say "don't

Hmmmm, this is very strange. What's the argument here? "problem of sexism of the comics industry"? Ok, what specifically is the problem? Are not enough women being hired who are applying? Are story lines in comics constantly making women weaker and sends the message women are weaker? What is the "comic's industry"?

dreamcast 2 would be a hit. I'd buy it, and shenmue 3!?! Blow out. And I'm the type avoiding xbone and ps4 for now

what PC games can u play? Emukators ? Can u web browse?

interesting and depressing study. Gotta respect the academic numbers, but some key points: the report distinguishes completed forced penetration (what most people think of as rape) where the number is 11.7%, and other forms of (unforced? Uncompleted? Idk) rape. Of course even 11% is way too high.

If someone broke I to my home and robbed me, they'd be to blame. But what if I left my door open? Can someone not tell me "hey maybe lock your door next time" or are they just victim blaming? I think the thief is the bad guy here, but can one not also suggest how to not make yourself a target? Equating any and all

the first thing I said was that I was sorry for the OPs experience. However I take a position similar to the person quoted in the article who said this event is not the same as rape. I also take the humble position of not being able to read minds. Personally I haven't seen the pics, and I thnk seeking them out,

I wonder the broader implications for journalism if private info being leaked is always bad, but as nude pics have no news value no need to address that really.

I misdefined violation as direct harm to the victim and thought you meant ppl get off on jlaw's misery or something Since jlaw has no direct awareness or harm from particular viewing I said no violation. But you mean they take voyeristic pleasure Yeah I'm sure they do, but that's different from being sexually