DaRe 3000

nah, you're not party unless you helped the crime of stealing them or help distribute or sell them maybe. Matter of fact, didn't tmz buy the pics somehow? Stolen goods is tmz going to jail? Unless you know of a law I don't. Only in the fuzzy indirect way of "encouraging" is looking make you party to the crime. Maybe

that's funny, cause when I saw it I was like "hm, posed like a spider interesting. I'm sure some ppl will have a problem with it though." Words like objectification and sexualization have been overused to the point of meaninglessness unfortunately. I mean, who (besides the Villain of fem nightmares) looks at that and

hahaha "women aren't people" is a stretch. Reminds me of a fam guy sketches "what? Women are things." Or "you can lie to them, they aren't people like us"

my grandpa might say that. He kept his money under the mattress. That's not to say keeping a bank account or taking pictures is stupid, but when you do these things you must be aware of the risks involved. The fact that many ppl want to see these pics is a reflection of their celebrity, so take the bad with the good I

it's an overused and misused term, but I see it like this. Woman argues with man. Woman says "you only disagree or are picking on me b/c I'm a woman". Other man steps in and says "stop picking on her b/c she's a woman". First guy calls other guy "white knight".

nah, I doubt that. Can you violate a woman who doesn't know you with an action she cannot be aware of? I'm saying most people looking at the photo figures the celeb is unharmed by their viewing the photo once leaked. Whether the act is evil or not, you project/mind read evil motives ("they enjoy violating women") in

Sorry about your experiences. You think looking at the photo is a violation, in addition to the stealing of them?

The abused person commenting didn't say the photos were ok, but did seem offended that looking at pics is somehow the same as raping a person or reducing them to an object. I find this type of rhetoric offensive too.

Why can't YouTube do what Gawker/Kinja does and gray out spam and trolls or whatever? I know it may require hiring more staff but why not let some shit "pend"? It may not matter so much if PewDiePie's comments are totally blocked, but I'm thinking of videos that really need commenting on, like Anita's Troupes videos.

Maybe. Based on these pics Sasuke played by Keaneu Reeves

This essay isn't admirable. It doesn't counter the extreme and violent rhetoric (I'm not sure if any violent behavior took place, unless violent rhetoric IS behavior) and make a touching heartfelt plea for reasoned debate.

This comment couldn't get posted on the original article because comments are closed, JUST LIKE ANITA DOES. Man this Steadman guy learns well.

This lady is so full of shit OMG. First of all, the pity party (and pity money) she got from basically ignoring all reasoned and fair criticism against her and promoting all the ignorant threats and hate to the point of making her look like such a victim (as if trolls don't do that to others for like other reasons).

Hate to be a dick, but Batman's a lil fat. Also, trike! Lolz

So they'll basically be Chipotle? I'm ok with that.

thanks for hashing it out with me in good faith. Learning thru commenting. Who'da thunk it?

and you know what, if you walk around with the expectation that underneath a seemingly innocent complimentary comment is the intent to belittle or claim or harm, life is a scary place. And for the most part, it is like that. Even today, as a dude relatively untraumatized in life, I still get suspicious of seemingly

Thanks for the example. It does make sense. Here's the thing: taken at face value, "you're beautiful" does not mean "I'm fishing for something else [attention, money, etc.]" (although duh of course it totally could) and it doesn't mean if you don't respond the way I want I get to be a jerk. "You're beautiful" PLUS ALL

a good analogy is good because it shows us how one thing is like another. a bad argument or analogy might "work" for some, but it doesn't make it good or accurate. as such, telling a person they're beautiful is NOT the same as asking them for money.

not a good analogy unless "you're beautiful" is the same as "give me money"