The massive gaming website IGN has fired its editor-in-chief, Steve Butts, after an investigation into alleged…
You don’t actually believe Ben Solo when he says her parents were basically trash do you!? He’s gotta be lying. Has to.
Not that I care about Grand Theft Auto in the slightest, but it’s almost a dead certainty Rockstar had single-player DLC in mind until Grand Theft Auto Online proved the significantly bigger and more consistent cash cow.
Ooooh, aidy aidy aidy, aidy aidy ai!
I love this show, still. But the celebrity guests who come out to be sung to and then to be human props, they are useless.
And I wish they’d do more hoedowns. (Even though the cast hates them — which is probably why they don’t do them.)
As Drew Carey never failed to remind people, improvised classic TV comedy Whose Line Is It Anyway was the show where…
It always irks me when film critics complain that an adaptation of a play or musical is “stagebound” or not “cinematic” enough. It’s going to be the only way some of us get to see them.
In news that might be good for Hamilton fans—but bad for those sincerely looking for erotic footage of…
It’s possible that Simon & Schuster didn’t really understand what a headache it was getting itself into when it…
Someone that researches the topic says we need more quality research to make such a claim. Someone that profits from treating patients with this issue is in favor of throwing insurance money into the system and increasing the volume of patients. WHO could have seen that coming.
Dat Death Grunty tho.
Classifying gaming as an “addictive behavior,” the WHO explains that gaming disorder...
Ask veteran gamers whether it’s possible to get too hooked on a game and they might have stories of a World of…
The alliance I fly with runs a yearly vigil/day of peace, called John Bellicose Day, after a member of the alliance who took his own life years ago. We open our doors and invite everyone to come out to honor that memory and raise awareness of B4R.
Most stories told of EVE Online and its players are about deceit, subterfuge or betrayal; players who forsake…
There are some good games in January’s PlayStation Plus lineup. In addition to some solid PS4 games with Deus Ex:…
If you’re a PS4 owner, you may turn on your console today and find a surprise home-page advertisement for Destiny 2,…
Another year, another crop of video game paintings doing their best to class up the place.