At least if the sub imploded they’d be killed so quickly they’d be dead before even their brains had time to register what was happening. They’d be instant chunky marinara sauce
At least if the sub imploded they’d be killed so quickly they’d be dead before even their brains had time to register what was happening. They’d be instant chunky marinara sauce
Sorry. Didn’t know that you bought it. I guess that means it wasn’t a horribly marketed commercial flop when it first released?
Once again... fuck cancer.
I think it’s pretty hilarious that you can trick an AI into doing things just by telling it to pretend to be someone else.
The last article from Uncle Fahey. May he Rest In Peace
Fuck Cancer
“We take the GMO out of ‘Glock 9mm.’”
Shut the fuck up, asshole.
Not all conservatives are anti-trans in their day to day actions, but all conservatives vote for politicians that are anti-LGBTQ in their legislation. You can argue all you want about how you’re not personally discriminating against people, but you are actively supporting politicians that literally create…
Shut the fuck up chud
one of the most innovative men to ever live.
I’d like to respond to the idea that your NPC doesn’t get agency in the ending. While the person holding the controller does not; your CHARACTER does. This is a massive difference that is crucial to the message of the game.
“All of the “deviations from Tiny Tina’s script” make perfect sense as being ‘deviations’ of Tina’s own design. She’s a kid playing pretend, and engaging in meta-pretending, playing both sides of her own invented divide.”
You could also take this a step farther and note that with the extreme amount of trauma Tina has…
He does not, as you’re led to expect through the majority of the game, actually break out of Bunkers & Badasses and leave any impact on the broader Borderlands narrative. He just becomes yet another NPC.
I never thought he was going to break out into the real world. I thought it was pretty clear that eveything going on with him and the story Tina was telling was her dealing with loneliness by finding new ways to extend the game. Once you find out the backstory with Roland you’ve got some grief in there too. I thought…