This weekend, the New York Times reported on the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, which apparently…
This weekend, the New York Times reported on the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, which apparently…
I think the concept of this game could work if you got rid of the perma-death part. Competing teams against a series of challenges with an audience that can manipulate the game sounds interesting. Being permanently banned from ever touching it again should you die in game immediately takes the fun out of it though. I…
Upsilon Circuit was to be a game where, if you died once, you died forever and could never play again. Now it’s dead.
“Somehow, a new player-created holiday became a story about conflict, betrayal and the disappearance of an entire civilization.”
So, they invented Thanksgiving?
No Man’s Sky fans can’t exactly play with each other, but they still like to come together to celebrate their…
Wouter Gort is a concept artist and illustrator from the Netherlands.
Welcome to Kotaku’s Sunday Comics, your weekly roundup of the best webcomics that usually occurs on Sunday except…
As of writing this there’s currently an almost 40% disparity between the critics and audience’s response to the…
Michiru Shimada has written scripts for some of the biggest and best anime, including One Piece and Little Witch…
The FCC’s vote may be final, but net neutrality is still far from dead. The new order won’t go into effect for…
Today, the Federal Communications Commission voted to repeal net neutrality protections in a totally unsurprising…
Post Capitalism by Colestia is a short city-building and puzzle game about finding the weak links in capitalism and…
We’re getting closer and closer to a crisis point on net neutrality, as current FCC chairman Ajit Pai wages a minor…
We (in Atlanta) called my brother (in Auburn) and threatened to pull his plate at Christmas breakfast and dinner if he didnt vote today. Black folks everywhere should take this win.
Don’t be fooled—the Democratic Party didn’t do this. The national media didn’t do this. Doug Jones didn’t even do…
Doesn’t change the fact that almost half the voting population voted for him. Beyond gross.
It’s not uncommon to hear stories from game developers and critics of people posing as YouTubers, reviewers, or…
Fallout: The Board Game is as faithful an adaptation of the source material as you could possibly hope for.