
If only the horse had given him what he deserves:

Damn... I remember being hyped for this when it was first announced.

“All those dubious consent anime sex games are totes fine though” - Valve representative.

So this is banned as “porn” while all those porn shovelware games (sakira or whatever the brand is comes to mind) are allowed no questions asked?

Ubisoft has delayed three games, the publisher said today. Far Cry 5, previously scheduled for February, will be out March 27, 2018. The Crew 2 will be out later next year. And an unannounced game that was scheduled for FY18-19 (April 2018-March 2019) will now come out the following fiscal year. Sorry to those of you

Our finest gifs we bring...

I miss Reed here in Cleveland.

Her reaction to first being told that Obama was the current president is still my favorite thing ever:

Is it a reach to suspect that the viewer saw headlines about the soldier who died in Niger and assumed she’s been misspelling the n-word all these years?