Geoffrey Bire is an artist at Ubisoft, where he’s worked on games like Ghost Recon: Wildlands and The Division.
Geoffrey Bire is an artist at Ubisoft, where he’s worked on games like Ghost Recon: Wildlands and The Division.
Today on Highlight Reel we have synchronized snipes, nuts Mario Odyssey tricks, and much more!
Way back in the 1960s, researchers at MIT created Logo, an early programming language designed to teach children the…
Mingjue Helen Chen is a Disney artist who has worked on movies like Wreck-It-Ralph and Big Hero 6. Here, though, is her shot at Final Fantasy XIII, part of a show on now at the Nucleus Gallery in LA.
Welcome to Kotaku’s Sunday Comics, your weekly roundup of the best webcomics that usually occurs on Sunday except…
Yeah we’re fixed at level 120-something so once I get above level 130 I can kick my own ass with no problem lol
The really stupid part is they made the Warlock the party leader so all you have to do to win is kill the squishy. :P
The Xbox One X update for Fallout 4 arrived this week, and while Microsoft’s machine delivers the best-looking…
Likely, but regardless, arguably Bandai’s the one who failed to keep proper records of what they added to the PS2 version or any records of our entire arrangement. That said, I’m not mad, I just want it fixed. I will happily smile and thank Bandai if they do, and I will continue to support .hack whether this gets…
Oh boy. This one’s a treat. Wolfenstein II isn’t just one of my favourite games of the year, it’s one of the most…
Thanks so much for your help with this.
One of the many reasons why I did not want children was that I could not imagine what I would do to the bullies if my child ever suffered the sort of treatment that I experienced. Just thinking of me in that state of boundaryless rage legitimately scares me.
In 2007, Christopher “Ichida” MacKinnon and two other Bandai forum moderators were featured as an arena team in the…
And unless school has changed vastly since I was a child, she likely reported being bullied and was told to “just ignore them” by all the adults who should have given a shit about her welfare.
This is heartbreaking.
The parents of a 10-year-old Colorado girl believe that their daughter was a victim of “bullycide,” a term used to…
Late last year, the Republican-controlled FCC voted to dismantle Net Neutrality in a 3-2 vote along party lines. The…
In March 2013, Skyrim composer Jeremy Soule used Kickstarter to raise $121,227 for a new album. Four and a half…
Rayner Alencar is a freelance artist and illustrator from Brazil.
Last week, the Federal Communications Commission announced plans to dismantle net neutrality, potentially giving…