
they actually announce whenever someone wins the car to at least people nearby.

What are the best ways to legally access the base? Get elected president or become a general?

This could only be more shocking if it was actually Jeff Foxworthy obsessed with Tupac...

2 years:

Proof glenshit does roll down hill.

Ajit Pai probably.

Damn, didn’t know the mob ran the L.A. Marathon...


Wasn’t Project MK actually to like spy on people remotely?

Queue Independence Day speech?

idk, personally, exclusives are a double-edged sword. Sure I’m going to play Spiderman, Ni no Kuni, and Horizon Zero Dawn on PS4, but because of the UI weirdness, anything not an exclusive I might as well play on Xbone. All of the KH games I have for PS but now that KH3 was released on Xbone, I don’t have a reason to

See I’m the opposite but against PS4. The interface is so dumb in it I don’t get how anyone would like it that much over Xbone. Like I bought the season pass for Spiderman, and I had to go to each of the 3 DLC and individually install each...whereas on Xbone, it ties to the game and I can install everything with 1

I pre-ordered BL2 and just this summer finally got around to playing all the headhunter DLCs

But is that even considered a full game? I mean it literally stands for playable teaser...

Is this the first instance where a delisted game will also no longer be available to download after purchase?

Now that sales for the Xbone all digital console will likely take a hit, can the next iteration be a console that can store like 50 discs in it at once, like Xbone Jukebox? That is the main selling point of digital games for me, not having to get up and swap the disc out.

See, this is the perfect example of how BS it is for millennials to be called “snowflakes” when these people are the ones who have to rebrand natural gas as “freedom gas” and probably also use “freedom fries”...

Human corpses on the moon still count as humans on the moon right?

wouldn’t it be better to tie him to the end of the platform and everyone just stick their fist out as the train starts leaving?

Then call it Dad of War! Think about if every Star Wars game ever was simply called “Star Wars”?