
There is a special circle of hell for anyone who suggests reusing a name and those that sign off on it.

“Battlefront 2" 2. I don’t care if they officially made the name the same, it isn’t the original Battlefront 2

didn’t exactly fix the gun problem...

Anyone? The point is less about trying to get a Dem governor and more that an elected office doesn’t contain an elected official anymore. Because randomly picking someone from the same party is not democratic.

Who cares what Parson promised, he wasn’t elected! This is why they should have held a special election when the last Gov was shamed out of the seat...I really hate this state sometimes...Also, maybe we need to start considering NOT having old people making decisions that they won’t really have to live with? They

I am curious what the pirating rate of all their content is before and after they do this...

Ars Technica is reporting PornHub is interested in restoring Tumblr.

Supposedly the context when it was said was in comparison to F2P, P2W, and loot boxes, basically the reasons microtransaction has become a trigger word.

Still a difference between buy cosmetics and “not-gambling” crates/boxes.

To someone that is deadly allergic to apples, both might be equally appealing...

I’ll give you that Pikachu looks almost animatronic but one of the primary features of sonic are huge eyes that are only divided by his brow...how do you make that realistically?

How is this different than a live action Pikachu with Ryan Reynolds voice?

Wait, did they bring back Big Bad Beetleborgs?

Just to screw with people’s minds, how do they feel knowing there are probably criminals that haven’t been caught voting with them? Hell how many times did the Golden State Killer or the Zodiac Killer vote?

I came here just supporting re-enfranchisement but I think reading through this has swayed me. I mean the arguments against it treat it like we are giving people in prison executive order powers to change the government, except they really just get the one vote. Maybe people will have more self-reflection if they

I miss Manly Guys...

I don’t really get the appeal of a disc-less xbone. I mean even if you aren’t the type that shares/borrows games with friends or get pre-owned games, you completely give up the ability to watch DVDs and Blu-ray...

Well the kid’s moustache could be better:

See this is what I don’t get, this response is how someone should respond to someone saying “well maybe Hitler wasn’t such a bad guy...”. And what has this ban on blackface achieved? Has bullying been wiped out? Has racism been stopped? Are minorities no longer abused by police and authorities and no longer oppressed?

Context really does matter. There is a difference between making fun of/mocking by imitation and imitation out of respect and admiration. The kid who dressed up as MLK for a class project to dress up as a historical figure who is a role model and you admire is a perfect example. I get how it was done in the past and