
Huh, surprised there aren’t any comments of how he supposedly lost asylum because he spread feces on the walls.

I remember summoning skeletons to fight those only to usually get murdered.

At first the crafting requirement of a style stone was so annoying that I didn’t want to play outside the free weekends they offered. Now the stories and the quests and the lore have me paying for ESO+.

The review for Windjammers 2 was that it is pong, right?

Anything can be a pro or a con though. I am one who doesn’t care for masochistic games so anything in that realm should be noted as such. So in that sense, there should be some reviewers who don’t like those games and that should be fine. I’m sure they would/have torn Dynasty Warriors games a new one even though I

That is why the .hack games are the greatest MMO games ever!

This is another reason there is a special circle of hell for people who make the decision to re-use a title with the only difference being either nothing or punctuation...

little interest in education

Remember to ask yourself...WWWBCDCD

Just saw he was the voice of Death Scythe in Soul Eater, sounds like he has some stuff in common with that character...

They better hope they don’t have to explain how “different” the default dance is to the Poison dance...

Can anyone recommend an article/debate that addresses and cites evidence for being critical of Israel’s actions and policies? I know during the 2016 primaries there were various things reported on the news that didn’t seem like good things for Israel to be doing though that part was pretty much skipped over but I

wait, so the stereotype they were offended by wasn’t that you can buy politicians because of how corrupt they are?

I would be interested in seeing a graph of daily users compared to outages. If I suspect anything is down I start searching twitter.

This is the first article that I found to actually say how he did it. Thank you!

Just a small critique, I think the Evil Politician would technically have to be saying: “There isn’t any way we could make indigenous people even more out-of-sight!

Wait...Canada watches the Super Bowl????

Well it is more serious than EDF

I think I saw a button that you could change it from the expedition screen but otherwise you had to walk up and go use the forge device.

More like EDF + seriousness + Lost Planet + Destiny multiplayer