
Who is the next person on the list to get one of these cars that gets to watch as what could have been theirs gets shot into space?

I’m still not convinced he is just selling himself out for the money to complete his dream. Wouldn’t you tell everyone the earth is flat to have your dream paid for by idiots also?

I don’t regret grabbing the Total Mayhem Bundle when it first went on sale, just a shame they will probably not add more to it.

Ok, glad I’m not the only one who was confused about that

While I’m not really a car buff, I do have a soft spot for my Duke O’Death and my Injection.

I’ve been playing on Xbone since November and I have not actually heard about this mode. Though I haven’t played whatever “Bunker Series” is either. I actually thought adversary modes were cycled out and you could only play them during certain periods. It could also really use adding filters to mode matchmaking, or

I’m actually a little surprised they didn’t try to play it off like they thought the couple was going to break into the house or something.

volunteer for jury duty

The line of parents

But if it is polished we won’t have memorable moments like we had in AC Unity when the skin of your face disappears and etc...

Ok, why the hell is shit bad but crap fine?

Fucking come on son

Is that Tri-Edge in Naruto?

balls, I already bought India and Russia back when China was GwG. Oh well

Technically the dragonborn line died out in Oblivion, so after that it is purely “the soul of a dragon” and not genetic at all.

glad I already re-watched Tin Man last year but sad to see Nightmare before Christmas leaving...really wish they would add Eureka back though...

Wait, when did she become a power ranger? and where is her helmet?

Unless a nord got really drunk at some point and had an orgy with someone from each race...

Of course a Morty was the voice of reason.

Don’t banks still have dog treats?