
Hell, and here I am worrying about the base Fortnite game...

So Nintendo saw this stuff and was like...we can make money off this...

I counted a CEO say it 85 times in a state of the company meeting.

Is it still an RTS if you are only controlling HUANG GAI???

I would totally be that person that goes into every match with nothing.

I wonder if they will get new enemies that are giant crustaceans?

Think of this if it was a person instead of a satellite. Every one knows this person is a spy and is being deployed. Wouldn’t the best thing for the spy to do is fake their own death?

In the next update, “Malpractice heist”, players get the option to taking trolls and orbital strike abusers to court to plead for a monetary value over the insured price of private property that was destroyed.

So...what is up with this jungle clothing line? Is this some kind of save the rainforest campaign or something?

was “they’re” referring to who you play as or you’re sibling? Seems like it could have been worded better, like first to figure out which sibling is gay wins. Because that wording makes it sound like if you come out of the closet, you win.

So Battle Royale seems to be talked about more than the base game, does that mean anything with focus/resources possibly being pulled away from it? I’m asking mainly because the whole genre doesn’t interest me but Fortnite was the game I have been dreaming of.

Biggest issue I had was the orc was a bit simple and Smith was just an asshole, they had to make everyone else either corrupt, evil, or dead to leave these two as “our” last hope.

there was a reason they kept pointing out it happened 2000 years ago...

Yeah, I would have preferred Nick be the Bright and Smith be his protector or something. Especially since they mentioned it is mostly elves, sometimes a human, which would mean having an orc Bright would have blown minds.

Don’t for get the Irish drinking songs, pretty sure “there’s blood on my stool” can still make me piss myself

today seems like it would have been a good day to include video game consoles/accessories to “Gaming”

today seems like it would have been a good day to include video game consoles/accessories to “Gaming”

technically, the 16 pack is better than both at 2.179 a battery

technically, the 16 pack is better than both at 2.179 a battery

not sure which is worse for that kind of guild, Haseo’s Grunty or Kuhn’s Grunty...

was going to just make a Guild Canard reference from the title but sounds like they really do go above and beyond just trying to help people have a fun time.

was actually my first time getting it