
I started just going to wikipedia and clicking the random article button 4 or 5 times and pulling a word or number from those

a biome that I don’t even know how to describe

“That’s not a bug, its a feature!”

The Fallout 4 expansion will just be build-your-own figures

wait, when did Alan Wake’s narration start being considered bad?

Cox? More like Dix, amirite?

Love doesn’t lead to the dark side. Passion can lead to rage and fear, and can be controlled… but passion is not the same thing as love. Controlling your passions while being in love… that’s what they should teach you to beware. But love itself will save you… not condemn you

Now playing

Old but just had to add this, since some of us remembered how well Garber could sing:

Oh goodie, I get to dread them all being released to Netflix again, because having to watch 4 shows on there at once is complicated enough. First time I watched Arrow and Flash every other episode. This last time, I was just watching one, saw “last time” scenes I hadn’t seen yet and then started watching the other

Someone already pointed out the PS4 code expired on 8/1 but more importantly, why was that deal not listed under Gaming?

Someone already pointed out the PS4 code expired on 8/1 but more importantly, why was that deal not listed under

and other anime like Tenchi Muyo didn’t get weird at all after their first season...

Remake Ronin Warriors next? I mean the characters look just about identical to these...

The stills look like holding in laughter, the gif looks like puke takes

Why the hell would Nintendo sell empty boxes?

can’t unsee now...

If anyone has time and wants to run the numbers, I would be interested in seeing how many people voted for the senators compared to how many will lose healthcare and as a bonus, also include the number of people they won their last election by. I would bet money that at least some of those people who gave them a

So how are they going to tastefully do the out-of-proportion bodies?

the telecom giants have armies of lawyers who have a lot of practice in gaining an advantage and stopping competition

And if the next words out of your mouth are not Yes or No, you waive your rights to not be punched in the throat