
He is Venom </fake spoiler>

can’t wait for Kindom Hearts 3.14159265 

Question, did she actually take chocolate and smear it all over her face?

I wasn’t aware of the whole black-face concept

Honestly, this just gives me more time to get a PS4 Pro

check the right hand side ad on their site. The top of it always loads to Net Neutrality? Learn More...not very imaginative given I was expecting something grand coming off their prime day sale

I’m guessing I’m horrible for picturing being told I need to chop a finger off to find my kid and just shrugging and saying I can make another before walking away.

I remember seeing a TED talk in one of my college classes that talked about crowd-sourcing advancement like this, like with CAPTCHA using people to identify words the AI couldn’t make out. Honestly, this is just so cool and makes me a bit envious I don’t play EVE.

Probably worth noting Kirby Triple Deluxe is $16 from a third party seller and not sold by Amazon with Prime shipping.

Probably worth noting Kirby Triple Deluxe is $16 from a third party seller and not sold by Amazon with Prime

Thank you, I was confused what about the argument considering it was even a plot point in Lost Girl.

From baby food to knives: Gerber, We’ve Got You Covered

My dad will never use dishes from the dishwasher because he “doesn’t know if they are clean or dirty”...

wouldn’t the proper question then be “what safety checks are in place for testing vaccines?” instead of non-scientists just coming to the conclusion that they aren’t safe because they read something on the internet? That is why they are called dumb.

I thought Slytherin was for if you were going to grow up to be a huge A-hole?

I dread the time that I will have to say goodbye to my dogs only slightly more than my parents mostly because lifespans mean it will happen sooner. If I let myself think too long about how much my miss my old dogs I immediately break down in tears. I’m sorry for your loss... I wouldn’t even wish it on the worst scum

In Fantasy Life you can name your horse and I named it with the first letter of each of my dog’s names. Unfortunately, we didn’t name any starting with a vowel...

Question about Manly Guys Doing Manly Things, aren’t those two together? Or did I read into things incorrectly?