
Would it not be better to call these counterfeit Pokemon plush toys rather than fake? Because “fake” plush toys would be cardboard cutouts or wooden blocks. They are plush toys and they do seem to be Pokemon but they are not OFFICIALLY licensed Pokemon plush toys.

Can I just take a moment to ask why the hell heavy.com thinks it is important to have 5 FAST facts rather than 5 ACCURATE facts?

It is the former, will it matter if they are American born though?

Do I have to become a celebrity first before naming my kid Bubblewrap?

a USED SNES would give them nothing though, just like the people making hundreds of dollars scalping their products and IP. Feel free to go take a cold shower and come back when you are ready to speak like an adult.

FYI in case it isn’t too late already, login with both genders to grab everything before doing the transfer. I’m having to hope for the good will of their service desk once the payment bugs settle down to allow me to re-transfer my stuff and just in the last 10 minutes discovered I needed to log in with both genders

But you can hate people who are hateful because they are assholes. Why would hating a hate group like the KKK or Neo-Nazis mean you must hate yourself too? And there is a flaw with “just letting each other exist” when the way one side does so includes taking rights away or not respecting other human beings or even the

Kind of wish that was better explained. And even in Legends I keep finding things that I have to ask the general chat about rather than having a useful means of explaining it. Like equipment have pips on them but only by looking at a weapon can you figure out that two pips means a MK II item. I didn’t see that in the

Isn’t “NPCs having a routine” sort of what Oblivion started way back when?

You mean Nickelback song right?

I would post the “Best kind of correct” meme but 1) it is too good for Drumpf and 2) too sad that Futurama is leaving Netflix...

and voice acting

white men shall now be coded as white jagoffs, clearly jagoff is not a protected class

How very intolerant of the lactose-intolerant

The #AmazonWashingtonPost, sometimes referred to as the guardian of Amazon not paying internet taxes (which they should) is FAKE NEWS!

It will have 11 come September 1.

Even though studies show otherwise, sound science still leaves a question mark as to whether or not Scott Pruitt has a record-breaking micropenis.