Dapper Dan Man

I always think of Frank Reynolds.

C'mon Teti, through him a frickin bone here.

I honestly think Oz should've won Best Supporting Actor that year. What an achievement in performance. Just go back and watch the"for my ally is the force" scene, Yoda feels like a legitimate actor there with thoughts and a soul — not this crude matter.

No I agree, in backstage footage McCallum appears to have genuinely bought into what George was doing. He wasn't sucking up, he just had as poor of judgment as George and wasn't critical enough.
In interviews I've seen of Kurtz he comes off as cool and interesting, but maybe a tad curmudgeony. That's good though, he

In all fairness, I think George's direction works supremely well in A New Hope because the movie is supposed to be simple, dumb fun.
That same direction, though, would've been awful in a film with the heart, darkness and emotion that Empire has.

I think you mean producer Gary Kurtz.
Kasdan was still around for Jedi, Kurtz left after Empire (because of his inability to sway George during the development of Jedi). There was a noticeable increase in silliness once Kurtz left. Then we got Hollywood's greatest Yes Man for the prequels.

Also a part of Christmas roster. Those lyrics though:

No On Her Majesty's Secret Service? What says Christmas more than James Bond banging 12 different broads in a mountaintop chalet?

For me it's something about the little, quick chewing he does while starring at her in that one shot.

It has aged pretty well. Best Fallout main story in my opinion — lots of options that lead to pretty different outcomes, and also piss other factions off. There is no "ideal" ending. It's great.

On the other hand, no one is excited to see Adam Sandler train Chubbs Peterson's son in golfing by yelling at him in gibberish.

I agree with Hammyton here. Greedo shooting changes the nuance of the character, but the Jabba scene is a complete redundancy, and thus, awful screenwriting.
There's nothing inherently bad about Greedo shooting from a writing standpoint, it only makes Han a little less morally ambiguous, but not entirely.
I completely

It's the format AV Club commentors deserve, but not the one we need right now.

First! …and I feel really dirty for being so.

A communications disruption can mean only one thing: INVASION!!

"Shut down all garbage mashers on the detention level!!"

Speaking of Piett:
"Intensify the forward batteries. I don't want anything to get through… INTENSIFY FORWARD FIREPOWER!"
"Too late!"

"Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh… everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you… How are you?"

Agreed. I'm not trying to say that they are a true prequel, just that when it comes to looking at quality, they are comparable.

It doesn't have a good story. It has a story that is competent, meaning it serves as an adequate bridge to enter into the chase sequence, which is where we spend most of the film. The story does not add to the film in any way.