
I’m not sure they do understand the application nor the intention. Ultium is meant for serviceability and upgradability. Meaning the cells are meant to be removed for newer/better chemistry cells. That was announced on GM’s “Battery Day” a few years back. Which means the battery pack is meant for the life of the

Calm down.  Steering wheel is the only area that has Capacitive buttons, there’s still toggles on the steering wheel I see four. Center console is a row of buttons similar to Escalade.

It’s actually more like this... GM has a industrial design division that works on various smaller parts in interiors, specific person knew what this was for, engineers in some cases don’t know, well because the last gen corvette C7 was released without GM’s permission. Design is aware, what most people aren’t aware of

Proportionally, HQ, Engineering, and Design for OEM’s like GM and Ford are stateside, Cars just don’t appear ready to be build in a factory. That being said, the amount of products (portfolio) manufactured by GM and Ford is still by in large bigger (in the US) than Honda, Toyota, MB, etc. Even if the content is lower

Are we still not discussing Oil mining and it’s impact and how it’s not a part of the conversation?That’s my main point. Oil is a huge mining business that I don’t think is included in the life cycle of the car. But somehow EV’s have that attached. 

I don’t buy that PHEV is less impactful, you still have the use case of gasoline and the production of oil to that end, and PHEV you have twice the amount of components standard ICE and most likely 3 times the amount found in an EV.

Here Here! The most popular talking points with ICE vs Electric leave huge amounts of info that don’t tell the true impact ICE has. We hear a lot about cobalt and Lithium mining but last time I checked, Oil doesn’t just fall out of the sky and into your gas tank.


Yeah, I think we are all on the same page. News commentary made from someone outside of automotive development usually doesn’t paint a clear picture on the financials of any given automotive company. Which in turn missinforms a lot of people.

Are you claiming research and development that (C8 loses a ton of money) or each unit sold!
What was mentioned above is how Rnd is not tied to production so C8 isn’t losing tons of money. The only thing I can think your confusing this for is the comment mentioned in press about the base of base C8 ($59,995) that would

I was just about to type this. I had an argument with my Dad a GM diehard but also a Foxnews diehard. Fox was blasting GM that every Volt made cost the tax payer 250k per vehicle. Studying Car design at the time, I knew that was complete bs. Said the exact same thing to him, you can’t roll in RnD into vehicle cost and

Well the one thing that really gets me about all of this is this didn’t change the plans for GM or other companies with their initiative to build EVs. I agree stricter standards should be the national standard if not an international standard, its cheaper to build a line of cars where the little to no changes would be

More like the market is too small and the price to manufacture in Australia isn’t profitable to any company(too expensive). See Toyota, Ford and now GM all pulled out of Australian manufacturing.

The whole Opel doing better under PSA, did everyone forget they fired half the work force when they bought from GM and most likely shut down facilities while not having to invest into new tooling(As Oberkanone said “cleaing the balance sheet”). 

Agreed. The Conti isn’t the same size or class as CTS not to mention price, dimensions and MO of what the vehicle was built for. The MKZ was the segment competitor and the verdict was the interior of the MKZ was lack luster, and not that competitive but it’s soon to be discontinued. Oddly enough Smokingtires latest on

The Conti isn’t the same size or class as CTS not to mention price, dimensions and MO of what the vehicle was built for. The MKZ was the segment competitor and the verdict was the interior of the MKZ was lack luster, and not that competitive but it’s soon to be discontinued. Oddly enough Smokingtires latest on the CT5

That’s easy. Jalopnik and Readers never drove, sat or reviewed one. Seriously. That haven’t reviewed half the cars they talk smack the most about. To me that’s more telling on what’s being touted. Subjective or Objective. Clearly the subjective opinion of the name is driving their narrative. Objectively what’s said

And being a Porsche owner you don’t think your Bias is showing? This isn’t the Game counsel wars of the 90's, I’ve owned multiple brands outside of what I own currently, and continue to shop in what I like. Being an avid reader of Jalopnik for a decade seeing the manner of articles of changing opinions and writers,

Not sure about that one, that’s a lot of assumption based on some strong ill informed bias there. Considering the Cadillac I own has that safety catch, you have too pull the hood release twice before it will open. So chocking down to GM’s “terrible” engineering is pretty ill informed argument. But since this comment

Does anybody recall Bill Burr’s bit about cruise ships? I’m thinking of a cunning plan about an orange mans re-election campaign/rally’s being solely hosted on cruise ships. Where nothing “bad” could happen nor can anything “bad” could spread wildly!