

So what answer is there besides Toyota?

The one automaker which (to my knowledge) has never had a safety-related recall.

Even traditional automakers have responded to market conditions with pricing changes, but they have been more masked by making “instant rebates” and discount financing options while the base prices of their cars remains constant. Its a minor difference really, but a pretty big one to the finance-ignorant masses.


I can’t believe ANYONE is buying Tesla stock right now. I know Buffet says “when others are scared, be greedy”, but I gotta think this company is only going to get a lot worse before it (possibly) gets better.

Sounds like Zhu is the one doing all the heavy lifting that would have earned Musk is $56B comp package had it not been struck down by a judge, and now Zhu is being blamed for Tesla’s sale slide that is mostly likely caused by Musk’s big crazy racist mouth.

Elon Mush is a POS and you shouldn’t give him any of your hard earned money.

For awhile Tesla had a product that could sell itself. No need for PR department, sales infrastructure, etc. Now they’ve got increasingly stale product, with one kookoo guy on twitter leading the sales pitches, who’s take basically is you’re an idiot of you don’t give your life to this product and vision. Pass.

Yes, yes they are. Because they expect the promised range, and that is how Tesla calculated that range. There is no defending this.

Being a PUBLIC shithead.  Most CEOs are shitheads, they just don’t go publicizing it in the manner that Musk does.


Being a shithead, not great for business. Who knew?

Also you get that bullet proof Italian reliability that Alfa Romeo is famous for.

It’s clearly a knee jerk reaction, the way Trump calls any coverage that is unfavorable to him “fake news.”

I have a feeling the cheaper model was not or is not feasible from a profit standpoint. So...ROBOTAXIS BABY!!!!

It’s so weird to say Reuters is lying instead of like reporting false or misleading information or not doing their due diligence. It’s like he thinks Reuters is a guy just pushing out headlines about whatever he feels like is happening.

Let this be a lesson to anyone that invests in Tesla or any of Musk’s other industries... when the going gets tough, Musk quits. Tesla’s valuation was already insanely out of whack with real automotive production; now they’re abandoning the mass market to sell robo-taxis? Even if — IF — they could make a safe and

Robotaxis - ROFLMAO. They can’t get what they have to work right.

If Musk is talking, then he’s lying.