
I finally feel like there's a motorcycle for me. Thanks woke! 

My assumption is Elon is facing significant legal issues and he's buttering up Trump to call off the dogs/pardon his ass. My other thought, though less likely, is Elon hopes Trump will have Uncle Sam buy fleets of made in the USA Teslas. 

Au Contraire! They love it when THE man in the Red Hat tells them what to think and do. 

I bought one, but decided against a second one as I managed to get a Hybrid Maverick at a great price. The Maverick is great for longer trips where charging might be tricky and for doing general truck stuff. If a Rivian were cheaper, maybe. The domestic truck EVs are way to big for my needs. 

How about a used EV? Let that depreciation work for you! 

It shows how desperate Twitter must be for money. This type of action would best be negotiated in meetings, not courtrooms. And all the advertisers will have to show in court is Elons dang tweets. Can't imagine a judge ruling in favor of Twitter here,though like you, I have no legal knowledge. 

It’s sadly the paradigm of justice that values the “economy” over prosecuting fraud. Elon’s corporate universe is far too big to bring down for fear that treating Tesla like Enron will have too many knock on effects on the economy that can’t be predicted. Unfortunately that dynamic lets malfeasance become so

Seems smart to soak loyal buyers, trend chasers and flippers with the first ev edition of this key car. Then a year or two later start introducing more reasonably priced variations.

It’s ridiculous that a system that requires a drivers full attention can easily let a driver completely ignore the operation of the vehicle. I see far too many Tesla drivers on the highway just staring down at their phones. The driver is certainly at fault, but so is Tesla for designing and implementing a system that

I also have a Ford Maverick that was made in Mexico. My ID. 4 is more American made than my Ford, 

I’m fully for protection ism for critical industries. The fact that VW builds EVs in Tennessee is specifically because of the EV incentives that Biden put in place. In fact, I refused delivery of the first ID. 4 I had reserved because those rules started up and the German built EVs did not qualify for the incentives.

My ID.4 was made in Tennessee by American workers that just unionized. Who cares where corporate HQ is? 

Rules are for the little people silly.

Interesting, thanks for the response.

The thing I don't understand and haven't read an authoritative source on is how much longer Tesla can keep milking regulatory credits for profits. I thought with most automakers offering BEVs that this source of revenue would be long gone, but here we are again with credits being a major source of quarterly profits. 

It is tough to not be growing more, but I suspect that high interest rates combined with higher overall sales price is slowing EV sales momentum. Hyundai might be out there faking their numbers, whoops.

Tesla is a stock promotion company that happens to make a lot of electric vehicles. 

The cybertruck is a fiasco of an ego project. Can't wait for the bogus robo taxi reveal later this summer. Tesla is basically cooked and Elon is trying to stuff his personal piggy bank while it's happening. 

I’m seeing a high number of Tesla’s with some variation of anti-Elon bumper stickers around suburban Boston. A few of my coworkers that have Tesla’s have stated theywon’t buy another one. Killing the brand equity of Tesla and his pet Twitter at record speed! 

I love the look of the SUV. Somehow both modern and classic looking. And it’s cost competitive with big gas guzzlers in the same class that so many people around me seem to drive (Wagoneers, Yukons, etc).