The Red Sox implemented a policy of dramatically overpricing tickets in every section of the ballpark, thus decreasing the odds that fans will get hit by fouled zingers because WHO THE FUCK WANTS TO GO TO A GAME AT THESE PRICES!
The Red Sox implemented a policy of dramatically overpricing tickets in every section of the ballpark, thus decreasing the odds that fans will get hit by fouled zingers because WHO THE FUCK WANTS TO GO TO A GAME AT THESE PRICES!
Patrick Beverly
I think Harden fucking up Paul's house hit home when State Farm rejected Paul's claim.
That was wild. And Gasol was trying to grab him slow him down etc.
It’s largely gone away, but I learned pretty quick that there were rules about parking in Southie even when the weather was good. That public street curb might not be considered public by the lifers living there. Thankfully they would warn you with notes or a conversation before escalating.
Elon is getting margin called soon, so it’s time for pots of gold at the ends of rainbows. Porsche truck that kills Thanos=TeslaTruck!
I asked a guy who had that setup what it’s all about. He claimed that it reduces headlight glare into oncoming traffic, because LIFTEDBRO! I think they just like making their Jeeps make the faces.
Have you ever made a half peanut butter half ice cream sundae? Really the way to go.
It's too sweet. (ducks)
Fucking Canadian banks ruining the names of our arenas. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to shop for game five Bruins tickets at the TD Banknorth Garden.
Agreed, because he spent too many possessions pounding the air out of the rock only to dump it off at the last second to some poor teammate who had to hoist a shot. Screen, get your switch and make your move or pass the rock and cut to get it back again. However, I thought this made the win more impressive. The…
Is this what happens when a country has one big city? Americans are lucky in that we can direct our irrational dislike of other people at a variety of municipalities.
Now, ask yourself why there is so much cheap plastic crap from China on offer. That was an active policy decision by leaders of both parties, but particularly under Clinton era democrats.
Very few democrats are offering up such excellent policy. Thankfully new voices like AOC and old voices like Markey (MA) are making a move, but the leadership largely sticks to the status quo. Joe Biden would be another vote for the continued policies of the Clinton era that largely delivered the country to the…
You should understand that many of Trump’s supporters have been living in a shitty economy as their jobs were hovered up by free trade agreements like NAFTA and allowing China back into GATT as well as designating them with most favorable nation status in trades. All of these decisions played a part in decimating…
Dolan and Kyrie are a match made in heaven. Maybe Kyrie can join the band in the offseason.
Related (kind of): I’m leaving the Fenway area of Boston after a concert to catch a the last train home to the ‘burbs. I witness what seems to be 3-4 guys beating the shit out of somebody, so I call 911 and tell them some guy is getting fucked up right by the Ted Williams statue outside Fenway Park. Call completed, I…
Somebody should have dumped a Natty Boh on him to complete the scene.
The fact that even thousands of people attend Marlins games boggles my mind.