What’s the global meat-head audience that likes fights enough to plunk down on this? 500k? 1m? I set the over under at 750k.
What’s the global meat-head audience that likes fights enough to plunk down on this? 500k? 1m? I set the over under at 750k.
Man, watching Leonard is awesome. He’s so fucking good. I forgot he can just bully his way into the post and then jam it with that one massive paw. Plus he shoots and defends. He’s a joy.
No TSA or special security for you on a private or chartered jet. But I’m pretty sure he was flying commercial.
Well, let’s see if the fun new base Jetta sells. I heard somewhere that it’s the bee’s knees.
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has a fun game where it allows cities and towns decide how dangerous self serve gasoline is. The shocker to me was that more blue collar Watertown said full serve only while Tony Newton says pump ‘em if you go ‘em.
Considering that Musk has committed securities fraud (funding secured $420), called a heroic volunteer a pedophile (the mini-sub affair), and allegedly created a dangerous work environment where workers injuries are covered up, I’d say some critical and negative views of Tesla/Musk are well warranted. Perhaps if Elon…
Pretty sure nobody will give a shit about Russ and his predilections for fashion when he no longer plays the basketball. This when he’ll be desirous of favorable media coverage and he will be unable to get it.
Russ wants to be a fashion icon/label/whatever and has several lucrative marketing deals that rely on mass media to project his creations and likeness out to the people. Perhaps not being a complete jerk to beat reporters and other media members will be a good approach to being generally well liked off of a…
Yes, let’s have unlimited cars on the streets at all times. True freedom!
Well, there’s the Knicks. Who have been run terribly since Patrick Ewing retired.
I’m mad at Uber. By lifting the imposed government ban on unlimited cab numbers, it is fucking up traffic in cities. A lot of people who should be on a subway or a bus are now sitting in an Uber.
There is indeed. But I wouldn’t hold my breath on it’s passage.
I see a lot more Civic LXs on the road. Probably because you can actually buy that car.
Or ever.
What $7500 credit? Does your state/country have a rebate that high? Because Tesla is out of the full Federal Tax credit, and by 2020 they may be out of rebate credits entirely.
I have to think that if it falls apart in a few months, or even in a few years, you’ll not be so happy with the purchase decision.
That sucks. I had a similar experience in Boston. I worked super late one night and the street spot I had turned to a no parking zone for street sweeping at midnight. I got back at 12:15 a.m. to find my car was gone. Then I had to find the lot it was towed to and spend $150 to get it out the next day.
I actually think Wal-Mart started this, but with more lying.
I’m really impressed with your team. Almost no let up after Oladipo went down. Good luck tonight.
Celtics have Pacers (gulp), Magic, and Wizards. I’m expecting them to win all three, so we’ll see! Gives the die hards extra reasons to tune in to otherwise very bad games.