It isn’t half bad honestly. Just make sure to slice the onions thin.
It isn’t half bad honestly. Just make sure to slice the onions thin.
My grandfather ate both onions and tomatoes whole like apples. His favorite sandwich was peanut butter, raw onion, and bacon on white bread.
Watching local high school sports is such a grandpa move. Those professionals are too showy!
I have a colleague who lives in Jacksonville. She won’t leave because she has deep family roots, but she says it’s the city where dreams go to die. Void magazine seems like it’s fulfilling that promise.
Shootins for show offs.
Didn’t realize Grayson Allen had a younger brother.
Jersey has great pies too.
To each their own. Some people love working 7 days a week, 10+ hours a day. Me, not so much.
Every damn life science venture fund I walk into in Boston/Cambridge has beer and kombucha on draft. It’s a little ridiculous. At first I think, wow cool. Then I realize, it’s a trap! To make you stay at work all the damn time.
Every damn life science venture fund I walk into in Boston/Cambridge has beer and kombucha on draft. It’s a little ridiculous. At first I think, wow cool. Then I realize, it’s a trap! To make you stay at work all the damn time.
It’s the only way the Catholic Church would have allowed the abortion.
It’s a Kennedy staple. Even his dopey son Pah-trick managed to crash his whip into the fucking Capitol building itself.
Are you familiar with the VP level of middle management at any large-ish American company? The first move once promoted is to buy the house and car that match your new prestigious corporate title.
I agree that Peyton could likely name his price as a broadcaster. MNF has a pretty prominent opening at the moment too. I just don’t think Peyton wants to do it, otherwise he already would be at it. Hell, Jay Cutler got signed quickly after his first “retirement” and he’s not very popular or likable.
I would say that Peyton sees broadcasting as beneath him. Probably has lots of business interests beyond Papa John’s and is likely looking to buy into part of an NFL team and/or take a front office role. Look at old horse face John Elway. Never really did broadcasting, owns a bunch of car dealerships, and came back to…
It will be a cold day in hell when the dollar is no longer the global reserve currency. The Euro is a deflationary farce and China just pivoted from liberalized communism to dictatorship.
Agreed on the podcasts. He has good chemistry with Cousin Sal and Jack O. House has good NBA takes and counters Simmons worst BS tendencies.
Bert Breer is such a dink. He’s my least favorite part of Toucher and Rich.
I don’t really like The Ringer and think that it’s mostly not good and boring. Though I have developed a taste for the NBA Desktop weekly video.
Man, I’m missing Thursday night hoops because my daughter’s travel team playoffs got moved after last weekends Nor’easter. I said they can play without their coach (me), but the girls disagreed.