
Prestigious addresses are exclusive, which means paying the taxes are part of the privilege. These fuckers never “move”, they just designate one of their many properties as their primary residence. See Mitt Romney being Governor of Massachusetts and maybe now running for senate.

HR is there to hire employees, and shield the company from lawsuits when it fires employees for whatever reason the manager/exec sees fit. Pretty important part of any mid to large sized company. Just remember that HR is not your friend as an employee.

Now playing

I would slag Tesla as well, but then I remember that Jaguar and Land Rover existed and built premium cars that were anything but bullet proof. Also, this Grand Tour episode is highly recommended.

+1. That’s the good stuff.

Was that a lightly edited transcript of The Ringer’s NBA Slack? Simmons says it’s so good, but he won’t offer subscriptions to it yet. Quit holding out man, it’s full of gold like this article.

I think with our life insurance policies in the mix, my wife and I are each others most valuable assets. Capitalism sucks.

How dare you insult the Basketball Jesus!

Maybe a little bit of avoiding the tax man, but the major credit card companies levy a tax on businesses for the privilege of using their payment networks. Usually a cut of every single transaction.

Same situation. Knocked a mirror off on the terror road on the way up to the Cliffhouse Hotel in Ardmore. Paid full freight for insurance, but no questions asked when I brought it back with duct tape holding it on. Saw people nearby arguing about charges and waiting for flights. Total for the car and insurance was

Dry cleaners and restaurants are the best fronts. Cash businesses with books that are very easy to cook, and none of the hassle of liquor boards etc.

I’m all flubber, all day. Flying over jams on route 93 is so relaxing.

I would wager to guess that because Florida is one of the most populated states in the country, they figured they could make some money there.

Even Joe Flacco wonders what makes this “Elite”.

Of course it’s a status thing. Consider my good friend who drives a Porsche Macan. He can afford it, but his daily round trip is 8 miles to a commuter rail station. But people are impressed when they see the Macan. It’s also a quick way to signal your class status to everyone who sees you in it.

Leauge pass blacks out local market games. If you don’t have a VPN, you can’t stream local market games. Some national TV games are blacked out from LP and streaming as well.

The NBA is stupid easy via a host of platforms. And with a simple VPN, you can ditch cable and watch your in market team play without fear of blackout. I have two friends that do this to watch the Celtics here in MA.

Thursday night football ruins fantasy football, survivor pools, and any host of other gambling/gaming reasons to stay interested in football. Fantasy used to keep me more invested in the league, but I’ve shut down two of my three leagues because it’s not fun. Oh, and the Sunday morning London games can fuck off too.

The Dems always position themselves as fighting against the barbarians at the gate, when the two party duoply lets them pretend they’re doing Gods work holding back the republican evil and not feckless sellouts themselves. But don’t let the dems actual history of how they run their party principally for moneyed

Joe Biden has consistently lead the charge, and really tightened the noose in 2005.