
As a senator from Delaware — a corporate tax haven where the financial industry is one of the state’s largest employers — Biden was one of the key proponents of the 2005 legislation that is now bearing down on students like Ryan. That bill effectively prevents the $150 billion worth of private student debt from being

But Biden and the Dems lead the charge to make sure that student loans cannot be discharged in bankruptcy. So if health issues or economic collapse beset you when you graduate, tough luck!

Dale and Holly with Keefe are great, much better than Felger and Mazz. It’s the one block of the day where the stations swap identities.

Vertical integration works! I’m still afraid of overly engineered German cars, but a manual Audi kind of speaks to me.

I lol’d. I also think I’m buying a GTI for my next car.

The way things look from here in Boston, Danny did conquer the universe.

Larry Nance is old as shit. Bad trade to bring him back.

We can do I-75. On a sunny day. With no wind. And light traffic.

And look at that, they play the Colts in the upcoming season. And the Lions, but nobody gives a fuck about that.

Amen. I was cruising up 93 N towards Manchester, NH yesterday and there was some seriously shaky lane markings and width changes in several spots. The real world challenges are enormous for this technology, and I’m not certain that the costs to get there will actually be worth it.

Jesus, it’s like the old KSK Rex Grossman caricature come to life.

I think you meant cents. Hi-o!!!!!!!!!

Everybody says this about Tesla, and yet the evidence of them actually being a battery company is sorely lacking. They seem to assemble packs of batteries made by Panasonic last time I checked.

Now playing

Western, MA? Hell, most of the Berkshires can’t even watch the Patriots on TV anyway. Come out East and then maybe you can complain. Until then, enjoy this paean to the glory that is the 413!

I’m Mario Andretti when I get a rental car. Every stop is a chance to attempt to increase my 0-60 time.

One of my landlords used to haul around all his tools and absurdly tall extension ladder in the back of his Geo Metro. The Providence police seemed okay with it.

Yes they do. And that’s why the annoying Ernie Boch Jr. is so damn rich.

They rusted like hell, but they’ve got the look.

I bought it from my uncle, who had a clutch replaced under warranty, but that was the only major fail. We got rid of it when we had kids and my wife wanted something “safer”.