I second this comment. My first love was a manual ‘94 Escort wagon. In Teal. Boom goes the dynamite!
I second this comment. My first love was a manual ‘94 Escort wagon. In Teal. Boom goes the dynamite!
Once handsome Gordo is back, anything is possible.
Damn it all if I didn’t make the same Ed Sullivan exclamation when I read that comment.
While this is true, it’s probably better to not open your kids up to public exposure by placing them in a film on Facebook in the first place. Once you put that out there, it’s fair to criticize all aspects of the film and the people appearing therein.
It looks like this market already reached a peak. There will always be glaring examples of people with too much money just ssssssspending, but this “asset” class seems to be tanking a bit.
WaWa is awesome, but it’s heavily concentrated in PA/NJ region with a few outposts in Florida. In New England we have Cumberland Farms, which has undergone a WaWa-like transformation. No deli, but more grab and go options and a full on fix your coffee the way you want. And the coffee is a buck and not bad.
Old Testament God’s fingerprints all over this Pats win.
Damn, that’s impressive value out of a Neon. I’m impressed the transmission held up through all that.
TGIFs is the worst chain restaurant going. I know Applebees gets shit on, but they’re light years ahead of TGIFs.
Crack Pipe.
My boss at a small company had a very early 90s Land Cruiser that we used as an occasional work vehicle. His frame hadn’t rotted through, but he got the recall letter and was blown away that they rebuilt the whole damn frame on the thing as a result. It was over 20 years old at the time and became an almost new ride.…
I’m always too cheap to buy the add on Nav. It was $400 on my Mazda 6 and it just felt too much like being nickeled and dimed to death. The phone spouting out commands over the blue tooth works just fine anyway.
Thanks for your purchase sir. Now, please fill in the account and routing information on this form so that you can be sure to enjoy the full BMW subscription experience.
Even less people know about Kelly’s Roast Beef, which is the best roast beef sammy purveyor.
Hell yeah!
From the original story at Wired:
IT still isn’t fully back. He looked tentative trying to finish at the hoop and bricked some wide open looks. I agree we need to wait a month or two before we know what he can bring.
Ainge would have taken Tatum at #1. Sixers traded up and could have had him.