
Don’t worry, I won’t tell anybody.

I have a bunch of friends who are cis women, and I’m friends with quite a few other trans women too. For me personally, unless I’m really emotionally frazzled or having some severe bodily/gender dysphoria on a given day, I find it comforting and meaningful - like ondiac said in their post - to be around other women


C'mon memes! Take it home!

If this comes down to Netflix vs Makeup, I'm going to have to dump all my makeup in front of my laptop and compare it to my Netflix queue to make a decision and I really do not want to have to explain that to my sister.

As annoying as I find most of the Harry Potter fan base's speculation about the Wizarding World (which is, like, 90% muggle-born wizards making pop culture references or talking about which Pokemon the characters would have as their patronus), it's nice to think that if I were in the HP universe transitioning would be

I've never seen Tactics Ogre: Knight of Lodis spelled wrong so many times in one article.

I like it but I do wish there was a campaign mode (one did just get announced, so maybe there's hope for us!) too. I'm just not as competitive as the rest of the game's userbase, so I prefer playing against the AI which can only last so long before it gets boring.

"This is why I number my Pokemon instead of naming them." Dear god, Mike, do you not have a soul?!

Just gonna put this out there: Ashley and Lil Red, her demon pal, could quite easily have been given the Rosalina and Lum moveset. I think I just comes down to popularity, because you can make up moves for just about any character. (I was about to say 'short of Tetris blocks' but somebody could most definitely prove