
There's also the possibility that reducing the number of games will lead to increased demand per game. What I'm trying to say is, 162 games is a lot.

This is enlightening and also a reminder of why it’s hard to be a fan after working in the sports business.

Something about his shape and the color of the uniform makes the the Western Union logo look like the McDonald’s arches when you scroll through quickly.
I’m also now convinced that in a better timeline McDonald’s sponsors the Nuggets. 

But is he still gonna make it to Prom?

There are no “accidental bumps” in the hallway in high school.

I’m offended by the implication that there are meaningful Jets games.

I think the frequency is quite important - we should be flinging sports radio into volcanoes very frequently, not less.

All-news formats are still alive in major metro areas. One of the NYC stations is what I wake up to every morning. Sports radio, on the other hand, needs to be flung into a volcano, no matter the frequency.

“That’s what a true Yankee star does, gift your fans with some swag and then leave them crying.”

Yeah but Judge has an unfair advantage. At 6'7", the guy obviously has a big heart.

The Pope of Chili Town Index must be really confusing.

My understanding is that he's well regarded as a position coach/coordinator. He'll probably always be able to get a well paying job, thankfully. It's fun to joke about his background but I'd rather have a league full of Tomsulae than dipshit sons of 1980s NFL coaches.

Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Lou Holtz of the 1976 New York Jets? I thought not. It’s not a story that Deadspin would tell you...

Okay, Tomsula/Pants 2020

Don’t shit where you eat. Words to live by. They find you rummaging through their dumpsters, they’re not going to let you use the bathroom anymore. Find a dumpster on the next block, or better yet, a grocery store. Those best buy dates on the food are to product the manufacturers, not the customers, they’re still

Get two, one to eat, one to shave with

It’s that list, cross-referenced with a list of restaurants without locks on their dumpsters.

The actual Tomsula Index is a list of businesses that will let you use their bathroom without having to buy anything. 

Aww, you triggered the mentally stunted right wing trolls.

White privilege run amok combined with pseudo-intellectualism that’s off the charts.