*raises hand*
*raises hand*
Why does ARod have a rental car and why is he parking two blocks from the stadium? Isn’t part of being rich that you don’t have to jack around with Avis and parking lots?
Imagine being too homophobic for Utah.
Consisting of one 500,000$ bill.
the last person to get paid like that after getting lucky off ARod was Jeets.
Warning Shark
My husband would disagree. He hates Ross with a passion. Him and Ted from How I Met Your Mother
I know I’ll get some hate for it, but I’m going to defend Ross again. He’s really not as bad as people say. Sure, he can be annoying at times, and he’s a little quirky. But his physical comedy is unmatched. After the initial mopey stage he really turned it around and I started rooting for him. And he ended up with…
Solid critique from a guy with [checks history] all of one comment.
Huh. Almost seems as if the mega-rich paid their rightful share of taxes, we’d need fewer nonprofits or something.
You hear that guys? We should be thanking the mega-rich for the crumbs they bestow upon us so they can pay less in taxes.
If you tacitly accept xenophobic, race-baiting corruption as a means to your “lower taxes” end, you are in fact xenophobic, race-baiting, and corrupt.
Seriously, you should change your name to EL-OBTUSO
These owners really need to stick to sports.
I applaud Kenny Still for speaking out. One thing you will find out though is that most of these old rich super conservative fuckers don’t like being confronted on their hypocrisy or how they spend their money. And the NFL unfortunately is chock full of these guys when it comes to ownership.
Higher chance of him having to eat a bear’s ass in prison
it would absolutely whip ass if this guy was eaten alive by a bear or something
That was a funny reaction on his part. “Hey, we’re the ones who go low!”
Kevin McCarthy
Targeting and harassing Americans because of their political beliefs is shameful and dangerous. What happened to “when they go low, we go high?” Or does that no longer matter when your brother is polling at 1%? Americans deserve better.
Brady will be a free agent.